idk,either the praying or meditating is having an effect,or God has empathy when people are down at their worst,because it seems the little things are sort of flowing just a bit more,and little things that are good keep cropping up.
-getting my eyebrows threaded today.i am mostly a diy-er kind of girl,but getting my eyebrows threaded is one thing i love going to get done.
-inspiration from crush A seeing some social media posts he made made me feel more inspired to go after my dreams,and finish up a writing goal i had made. i find it so odd how he posted that at the timing he did,yet again. it's like a twin psychic connection.
-getting in a driving lesson for even just 10 minutes today.
-my beauty
-getting rid of the freewill argument in regards to law of attraction once and for all with logic
-finding out my fitness seminar is only 12-6 instead of 9-6 this weekend which is even better
-meditation. my love! meditation is my love.
-my purse
-my black flat sandals
-my style
-my intelligence
-my creativity
-writing a little to do list in my phone for myself
-my phone
-best friend's mom calling me up less then an hour ago telling me she may have a job for me as a volunteer at her gym. i am actually really excited for this! i really like how she helps me more then best friend's dad. he was looking at a pizza shop which is insulting considering my qualifications plus i'm plant based and then a hospital job when i'm practically phobic of hopsitals and it'd take 3 busses to get there he said which considering i'm mildly agoraphobic would give me a heart attack to get to
-the mascara i got from whole foods yesterday. it looked really good on me. i may start getting more into natural cosmetics lines.
-taking it kind of easy on myself since it's that time of the month and my inner feelings want to slow down just a bit
-deciding it's time to quit pi forum for at least awhile
-how much his parent's are helping me. i may complain and feel awful about some things,but they are really helping me out with a lot and so i am grateful for that
-finding out i had more money then i thought on my card yesterday and dropping a few dollars of it towards my monthly bill i have
-the nightskies,and skyscrapers last night
-emails with S
-getting some groceries today
-daydreaming about becoming really famous and successful from all this the other night
-socks for making my feet feel good