-feeling good and making today my day. I've got D figured out i think,getting more positive signs,and he'll be back knowing what he missed out on. i'm me and he did wrongs,too
-getting a coffee today. so good.
-protein water
-deciding to start rebounding for cardio again.
-having B to talk to because it makes me feel good
-stopping at the mirror and just looking at myself and appreciating my looks because i was like wow,im really attractive. a very cute feminine height,slim build with nice curves,beautiful lioness mane hair,young face with european features,and cute young style.i am really attractive! that boosted my mood for the day
-feeling positive vibes today ever since deciding to get it together and make things happen and be positive for real again
-being in the mood to dance
-not caring what others think
-getting groceries today
-getting a new sports bra today
-new instagram likes and followers
-my job life and the prestige and glamour and all i have going for me
-things happening and making me look good
-feeling feminine but strong
-my cuteness and innocence
-indian food from the grocery store that's inexpensive and under 5 minutes to cook. damn. life is good.
-more and more vegetarian and vegan food options becoming available to the mainstream and just in general
-that i get to get a new rebounder today
-appreciation for abundance and good in best friend's life and the things i like
-determination to get into a more elaborate yoga pose i've been wanting to do
-business partner being so around lately
-stomach flattening out a little bit after having time of the month and slacking on fitness from blues about D thing making me not as good about things
-trying to stay strict on keeping diet clean
-my computer
-coming to a critical opinion about a D thing that is looking more and more likely but not letting my mind go crazy but just keeping my mind rational,yet aware
-feeling good and happy despite what's going on
-appreciating what i do have
-doing a fairly decent job of keeping my mind detached,focused,and not thinking too much. sticking to new year focus
-how great things are going to get because i feel it,and i create my reality
-the possibilities
-my desires
-my positive qualities
-loving myself