-knowing i create my reality and can choose anything i want
-feeling relaxed
-rent getting paid today
-my throat and third eye chakra balancing music i'm doing right now
-getting my panic subliminals done
-my speaking affirmations sessions i do
-getting some high end people liking new business social media page
-getting a little bit of work done today
-getting some buzz created for new business and some new things up,inquiries,likes,etc
-washing and drying the clothes by myself today for the first time
-going for a walk around the block while roommate is here today and seeing a cop which made me feel safe
-my determination
-knowing stability will come
-being able to refrain from texting best friend's parents so far for about 3 days now and cutting back on needing my mom's help which has helped things i feel
-the work possibilities i am excited for
-getting myself excited for life again
-being strong
-my eyeglasses
-feeling more powerful and how amazing it is to get my vibe high. it just makes the loa easier to apply
-being in the vortex last night and how great it felt
-being more open to change and creating new for myself now and having some direction
-rewiring my subconscious and how much of old fears has drifted away thus far. it's been a process i've had to be patient about,but i am seeing a difference and things i feared two months ago,feel completely gone from my energy,and i am starting to feel more safer,just a little,and will increase that
-warmer weather today
-sweaters and hoodies
-having a washer and dryer in the unit
-balancing my perspective a little
-my wisdom
-how good i feel it can get
-my bed
-my conviction
-knowing i always win
-awesome little pretty affirmation pics i randomly found online that i saved to my phone
-feeling clean and cleansed
-using my hardships to become better
-that the sun is now starting to come out for slightly longer
-feeling in a new place and that things are starting to shift my way
-being a caring person
-realizing my feelings. my feelings of hurt. my feelings of what i desire. my feelings that i do seem have to feelings for l. my feelings that i want to win against these life hardships and will.
-the snow having melted a little,the sun shining,and fresh air today
-my inner knowings becoming stronger
-being a positive person
-knowing i have a beautiful soul
-being talented
-knowing high end people
-my creativity