-feeling wellness
-great weather today
-chakra and theta music playlists to get me vibration cleansed
-mason jars
- coffee
-going tanning today
-no longer believing in regrets and seeing the effects of that change really being real now
-getting a new party dress ordered that i love from a new boutique i've never shopped at that is in a print i love that always seems to be good luck for me when i wear it in the past out and about
-loving my face with my brows growing out
-my cheekbones
-my face looking so young
-my body being nice and toned
-my venus dimples
-vitamin c vitamins with enzymes
-my outfit i'm wearing today
-feeling comfortable and open and calm
-realizing i was wrong about something last night,and how silly i've been about something and letting it block me a little bit and deciding no more and to change it. i'd been worrying irrationally about what other people think and am now over that but trusting all is well and as it should be
-my porch
-the sun
-doing a year review of my life and setting intentions for the next year
-my deadline to get this writing done by thursday and being about 83% there and getting more work on it,and deciding i'll likely just go back to it later to meet deadline. am so close to there!
-the cat and how cute he is
-how much more zen i'm becoming
-today being a little less hectic
-how quiet today feels
-peaceful sounds
-being motivated
-looking within and being honest with myself
-doing the positive actions that align with my new self
-my life,and what i get to do and seeing it as a blessing
-being a truly optimistic and positive person again
-appreciating myself
-my style
-prepaving and priming myself for what i want to manifest more of
-letting go of blocks and all ridiculous things
-deep,cleansing breaths
-being open
-getting past being sick,muscle soreness,pms,the first stages of time of month,and now feeling relaxed.i've overcome another stage.june was personal development and inner change stage and now i'm somewhere else
-enjoying the unfolding and being in that state of being where i just observe what's unfolding instead of trying to watch the pot and keep checking on it. it's like observing my garden grow.
-feeling ok with the moment. like all is well and at any moment can change and bloom and slightly turn to this or that direction and how lovely that is. the path is continuously changing. life can change at any moment. a beautiful surprise can happen at any moment. feeling excited and curious for the future but also happy with the now as if it's all fine.