-that best friend came out just when he did at gas station.
-that i live in an inherently friendly universe that protects really bad things from happening
-that i'm safe
-the rush of emotions i felt and how much i love best friend when he finally texted back
-L to talk to
-having a sweet heart even when it seems everyone hates me and is mean to me,the fact that i know
-that today's experience i know is a signal to turn things around and to instantly tweak my vibration and has caused me to stop and reflect on things and realize life cant be lived like this,it is time to change right now and to appreciate the little things and stop the crazy drama
-that God always protects me and mine
-the quiet calm from higher self that always comes on times where something scary happens that instantly changes reality and keeps me safe
-my mom
-sleeping really good today
-some kind of apology and being told by best friend he will think about things and all that's happened
-best friends protection
-accepting and understanding imperfection
-getting a smidge of work done and getting some interest generated in new business
-self forgiveness
-being home now
-after meditating last night,the clarity and healing feeling of some negative energy blockages being cleared. it felt bittersweet as it made me realize mixed feelings about moving forward and all the time wasted from drama and fear vibration but it was healing,too and i felt a sense of aliveness from it
-the power of quiet
-getting some journaling done last night
-how after good sleep my ear feels practically healed and just knowing that if i could keep catching up on sleep and have stress go away for even a week,it'd be 100% healed.
-remembering and seeing I have not been myself for months now. I have completely unraveled as if someone put a curse on me. I cant remember last time i felt so powerless. And,now i'm undoing that little by little,remembering who I am and my strengths and pulling myself together.i wouldn't even recognize myself if i looked at myself lately and the old me was watching.i need to empower myself and raise my vibe so i can have more power and be respected again and get the treatment i've been waiting for.
-higher self telling me that if just raise my vibe i'd manifest a lot of the changes i been wanting quick.