-for doing another social media boost
-my eyeglasses
-for laughing at life
-for getting in the vortex again
-for remembering how easy it is to gently just switch my thoughts and being able to see how all the things going on earlier were literally just exactly what i believed and how easy it is to see how every little external thing is based on a belief on the inside. it's so easy. just keep switching beliefs,little by little. it's magic! play. have fun. don't make it so hard. remembering the power of emotions and how adding emotions seems to make every desire turn into a knowing. remembering mental influence and how easy that is. how much easier the loa feels these days. remembering how much i've forgotten the power of feeling. the power of just remembering and enjoying the juicy good feelings of life and how vital that is. how i used last night's pain to remember more of what i need to tune up still.
-l responding to my texts today and finally getting it out there that i was upset
--re-reading my texts later and realizing i did kind of look like i overreacted to him if i read through the texts but oh well,it felt like i needed to get it out
-l's voice and how sexy it is
-how beautiful and sexy l has made me feel just as i am
-online forums
-getting photos back from a job tonight
-getting a little work done
-clearing up some more resistances after seeing exactly why some things were not happening easy. it is soooooo so easy. anything in your life that is difficult,is from your belief.
-how beautiful my face is
-these amazing solar plexus chakra musics that always seem to be an important chakra to work on and very helpful
-that i'll be done with panic attack subliminals soon. only about two more weeks.
-getting happy just for the sake of happiness but also feeling a knowingness that my desires are manifesting and just becoming a powerful manifestor
-feeling feelings remembering my transitioned loved one today
-money put on my bank card again
-an article i read that was kind of negative about how more then half of americans have less then 1,000 to their name but that i found oddly reassuring perhaps,because that's where my vibration is at right now and needing to hear me and those i know aren't as bad as we think maybe?
-realizing i know some very attractive,talented people and did well for myself compared to most of those i knew as a child and since high school
-feeling good
-feeling more relaxed about best friend
-keeping things classy and relatively civil when people try to bring me down
-the feeling i feel inside that i just KNOW all is going to be ok. it feels so freaking good and authentic and is keeping me in the vortex. ah!!!!
-just KNOWING i will hear from l again soon and feeling like me and him are going to get into something good
-attractive guys
-fun life moments and memories
-having things in my life to be proud of
-being an ambitous and goal-oriented person
-becoming more present today
-my feminine sexy figure
-having a great backside
-yoga pants
-enjoying coffee again
-having a pepsi today
-delicious vegan foods
-my nails being nice and hard
-how enjoyable the law of attraction and creating is becoming again
-that the odor in my bedroom is finally gone after my mom took her clothes. think it was her dog that caused it
-spontaneity and getting more in the groove of it and how beneficial that is too
-my vitamins
-my hair
-for making my life have more ease
-for little things to make my subconscious more positive.
-for getting really into loa again and going back to the start with it and winning