-getting my meditation done today,and feeling much better from it. it made me physically worse,but i think that means it was helping and just that i even got sick in the first place i think was from the limiting belief work i started in june clearing me to a new place
-the chakra and theta combo playlist i use when meditating nowadays. the throat and third eye i chose for today was just what i needed
-new positive action i now have as part of my habit i started from limiting belief three i did and the benefits i've experienced from it!
-today feeling much calmer
-new decisions that feel so right and make much more sense and feel better then all the indecison and confusion of before
-how excited i am to go to -----for business trip this fall
-the beautiful flowers in my home and how artful they look
-my lovely lavender oil and how much i love it
-allowing the cat to spend a few minutes with me on the porch and how nice that was
-my face looking younger and brighter somehow from the moisturizer i'm guessing i've been using
-how toned and flexible my body is
-positive change
-feeling like my lost loved one has been communicating and around the last few weeks and how amazing that makes me feel! have not heard from her in soooo long,and the timing is so interesting! the last time i heard from her was right when i first moved here as if she was saying hey,i'm still here and checking on you,and your going to be ok now. makes me so emotional thinking about it. and calm! i had started to wonder if i was going crazy last year with the after death communications as if it was in my head. but the things that occured were so strong and eerie! but as soon as i was better,and healed,i stopped getting them until now. well,i may have gotten them but so much more subtle
-deciding to stop spending so much energy in the vegan community of things as it's not brought me much happiness or aligned me much where i want to go. i can be vegan without needing vegan friends or watching tons of vegan vlogs. i prefer to stand out anyways and am making decisons like this to align me more what with what makes me happy and where my heart wants to go. so much happiness! so much new change! it's exciting. some things are not exactly where i thought i'd go,but feel right.
-great weather today
-deciding to get rid of TV once i move in living room that is never even used anyways
-being able to see
-best friend feeling better too
-something to focus on from my pain
-the fascinating process of becoming more and more myself!
-accepting imperfection
-little flickers of being included more which i know is manifestatoin of my energy changing more from inner work i've done
-feeling empowered
-light and growth that comes from breakdowns
-last project coming out either tonight or tomorrow and being pretty much done