-being happy with my decision to let go of L.E and following my heart and avoiding him. if he's going to act like poor him,he can't be bothered,well then i'm giving him what he wants. he's probably too immature for me,and high maintennance. why did he even send me another message? it's as if he felt bad,but was rubbing it in that he's a cocky jerk.
-feeling my feelings
-listening to some solar plexus chakra and thetas music playlist
-my article being done and sent to p.r and posted on social medias and made public
-doing a little studying today
-love songs
-ab exercises
-loose hamstrings
-getting a ride to work today
-taking the train home today
-M's husband randomly giving me $20 today
-writing down some of my goals and dreams today
-yoga pants
-hot guys
-T kitten laying with me
-H kitten and T kitten bringing them in this afternoon when it rained. Poor H seemed a little afraid of the rain.
-my style
-my job tomorrow
-my lower body getting nice and shapely and toned
-my venus dimples
-heartwarming articles and art
-doing a little reading today
-doing a little coloring today