-how good it feels to be productive after a day of work
-feeling nurtured
-the money i've earned this month. i've exceeded my goal and have realized now with where i'm staying that one advantage is i'll have a lot of extra spending money
-feeling like i'm getting better at the kind of work i've done today
-going food shopping today
-getting some new makeup today
-getting some new sweets today when m's husband made me go inside starbucks and gave me money to buy the cakepops i like
-the tea M made for me tonight
-rest and naps
-getting into natural eco beauty brands lately.
-M wanting her husband to take me to gym tomorrow so she can work on my arms since she thinks they are too weak
-deciding it's time to let go of certain guys in my mind lately and start imagining traits for someone new
-laughing at life
-whole foods