-making my 5 bananas smoothie. trying to implement a smidge of raw veganism in my diet again to combat any urges to get lazy and end up eating dairy
-feeling so good again today
-getting work done
-getting a possible offer for a side job thing of only working a few hours a week,which is exactly what i want
--my best friend and how amazing he is
-being able to express myself
-being me
-my hair and how lovely it is
-feeling determined and even mischievous and feisty
-tecnho music
-how amazingly well i feel
-starting the first step towards new business idea last night
-feeling ambitious yet soft and feminine
-having more energy yesterday and getting a little more done
-when starting to get overwhelmed by one thing,remembering it's only taking place of something else and how do-able it is,and easy and beneficial
-my creative director
-my visualization meditations last night and how great they made me feel
-my job,my first job and how glamourous it is and validating for my looks and my dream job
-my motivational life coach attitude
-physical exercise
-how open my chakras feel
-vegan food
-my confidence
-allowing myself to dream and dream bigger again
-keeping myself focused
-my apartment feeling warm