Today has been better,each day i feel more detached and like i am stepping into a new reality from the one that was the other day. Based on my beliefs,at any moment,we can switch realities. It was also sunny today and the dating app bumble has been pleasantly distracting me. lol. I've been mentally reciting the quote "stop weaving and watch how the pattern improves" by rumi as a mantra on and off throughout the day as well.
-dating app bumble. maybe it's just the right time but i actually can tolerate this right now. it's been 3 days and i havent deleted it yet. And,i've even let myself chat a little with 2 guys.
-my project i creative directed based on my heartbreak. man,the artist did such a good job. so healing. i love seeing the finished project.
-my phone
-my strength
-my new affirmation of being ageless working well lately. i keep having people think i am a student and like i am much younger then i am. love it.
-the internet
-getting through the stress of background life and work and doing it. only got one job done today so am super behind but at least i did it
-M's husband seeming happy with my progress at least.
-that it was sunny out today
-my outdoor cats. aww.i love them so much. I love seeing T kitten doing well,H cat and how affectionate he is now,and even P cat today meowing at me which she rarely does(she's stayed pretty feral oddly enough) because she wanted a snack
-little matrix glitches. i went on pinterest to look at my private creative direction board and seen a picture in there i didnt recognize that i had uploaded from an artist. i knew she sent me one but it looked so different from how i remembered it,it was bizarre)
-shopping. i have a shopping addiction these days.i tried to resist and waited a bit,but then bought myself a body scrub from a bodycare line i loved.
-being smart
-my beauty
-M's husband ordering food and offering me some as well
-handling the stresses life sends my way.i don't even know how i'm going to do tomorrow but i'm going to do it
-getting a recap done today so i won't be as likely to be late on those later
-mikes hard lemonade
-my ambition
-yoga. i have managed to avoid body pains and i think it's just from doing those right stretches
-my bed
-my heart chakra spray