In times of extreme hardship, look for the good. Anything even the smallest of things.
-I got a free trial size vitamin c moisturizer with the toner I bought so I'm ok on vitamin c skincare for a little while
-how beautiful the sky looks right now
-crying and letting it all out, how I've felt about a certain painful situation going on for 2 years now and putting into words
-having money for cat food
-getting my cats treats last night
-appreciation and remembering. Savoring some appreciation early morning for the night J and I had our first kiss
-learning about the moon, what phase it was in, some romantic details about the night we first kissed that adds specialness to the memory
-how beautiful the moon can be
-getting some slight ideas on things to do about my problems
-applying to a few jobs last night
-deciding to stop watching so many psychic readings
-clean socks
-trying to be strong
-the writer side of me
-japa mantras
-having desires. That leads to clarity to where I want to go.
-realizing I can organize things a little bit so it won't seem as overwhelming or time pressured
-the light within me
-trying to tap into my ambitious goal oriented version of me again
-my clover pillow
-letting myself cry
-the tunnel toy I have for my cats that they love
-believing in myself
-trying to break up what I need to do, the things that scare me into baby steps
-the weight loss I've accomplished. Half the weight gone
-great affirmations that give me hope and determination
-my love for my cats
-my skin dryness healing
-baby wipes
-clorox wipes
-beautiful things
-lights off and how peaceful it is
-my spiritual knowledge