-for my phone
-that i had a date last night and had fun and went out. my first time even going out since i moved. much needed and soothed the pain of D blowing me off oh so mysteriously
-finding out D was only with friends the other night i got worried he was having a hookup
-deciding to let go of D because i have no choice after how he's being now. wanting to hear my voice wednesday then acting weird and disappearing and blowing off meeting me this week.i can't do anything but let go. hurts a little but i know he is doing this because he's insecure and feels i'm out of his league
-deciding to text R after thinking D was with a hookup and how quickly plans became made
-my sense of style
-my beautiful big blue eyes that look like doll eyes yet also smoky and smoldering,too
-having experiences
-for R
-hanging out at R's house after we went out,and him offering me certain things and how he said he seriously would just have to make a call and would had i wanted one of the less tame things and got some and how funny it was to know someone so open-minded and rebellious and deciding to have one of the tamer things that he already had and just listening to rock music and feeling giggly and sleepy.he didn't have any himself,just i had some because he said it makes him too sleepy,but said now if i ever want any,i can get it from him and obviously wouldn't ever have to pay. so funny the edge in my life for a night.
-making out last night and being physical with someone. the chill vibes. and feeling like i'm in high school
-attractive men
-men who accept me as i am
-people who don't take things too seriously and can laugh at life and have a shot and just be happy and make things happen
-sexy,attractive men
-taking risks and expanding myself which allows me to feel more free and more confident
-taxi cabs
-living in a big city
-good music.
-walking to get a pepsi soda this morning
-how quick i found a cab after a friend affirmed for me...2 seconds later..found a cab
-how quick i got my key in the door after iwas frustrated and again,my friend affirmed for me,and then 2 seconds later,i got it open
-feeling so good
-how unusually warm and sunny it is today
-things i'm looking forward to and working on
-another business idea me and business partner are planting the seeds to
-learning new things
-my heart and soul
-eye makeup
-flipping coins to get answers..and how damn accurate it's been lately...very in tune with synchronicity,stichomancy,and tarot lately it seems..
-how easily i am able to read people..so in tune i almost feel rude and wonder should i try to turn it off.
-being a woman
-when people agree with me and common ground
-when people are just nice and caring
-how for some reason when ever i see people i haven't seen in awhile,they think i had been living in nyc or l.a
-lip balm. because my lips have been so dry lately for some reason
-things that make me feel good
-pictures i take
-my chest size and having some on top there and how good it looks and makes me feel
-having a life that seems glamourous
-another friend wanting to meet for coffee
-new inspiration
-people telling me ishould go out last night after the D business of him blowing me off and also possibly when i had thought he hooked up with a girl though that part wasnt true.i made the right decison and with all the synchroncity it seemed meant for me to go.
-mercury being direct now
-being slightly more casual with clothes and still feeling super cute and stylish
-my hair and how sexy men seem to find it.i have great hair,lots of it,lot of style,and tend to wear it slightly messy
-sunny weather making it easier for me to surrender and change my thoughts
-being able to laugh at the weirdness of life and the confusion and how much of a loop i feel thrown for and just enjoy not knowing what in the world will happen now and what could happen
-being young
-seeing were all growing and changing and that i'm in fact right on track
-learning that if a guy likes me,he is reading and lurking all my social medias. i used to think maybe he was but with last night and the weirdness of D and then other things in august and just thinking of the past,i will just have to confirm this as true. at least 90% of the time,if a guy likes you,he will be reading/lurking any social media/network he can find you on
-all the time sitting on my porch today
-being able to be feminine,independent and not desperate all at once
-R agreeing it's pretty messed up if a guy corrects your grammar.
-potential and possibilties of the beautiful surprises that can come
-dating and being flirted with and sexy men in general and just having fun. in the moment,we think too much with our emotions and don't appreciate the fun and spontanaeity of what's transpired someday,years later,you'll look back differently and realize how silly and fun it all was. it was just life and being young.
-finding creative ways to do all the things that are summery that i can enjoy in winter if i wanted. sun by tanning bed. water by indoor pools.
-sticking to my guns yet having honest empathy and understanding of other's views and perspective
-appreciation for different things,view and experiences
-stories to tell
-gratitude lists
-being an adult