-drinking a liter of water upon waking. i haven't been drinking much water lately so felt good to do that
-my beautiful flowers which are just so striking
-after back and forth indecision,going back to a photo i deleted,and adding a white border,and it became the one. perfect. and that whole back and forth inspired me
-thoughtful,selective curation and how good i am with it
-quotes that come to me during life moments that i love
-being brave
-sleep,and that i'm able to sleep,even if i'm sleeping like a rock.
-going on the porch for some time today
-clean,organized spaces
-my hair and how beautiful it is
-trying out valerian root for the first time last night and so far,so great. after 15 minutes,i did feel almost a feeling as if stoned then tired like i wanted to go to sleep.
-my cheekbones and how perfect they are
-how glowy,and bright my skin,and young looking
-thin,toned legs and a thigh gap
-having large wide eyes
-getting a part ordered for my laptop today
-crystal singing bowl audios
-social media
-more and more coming to me reminding me of the subjective nature of reality and loa and flickers of insight coming to me that "truth" can change in an instant,depending on my belief in it...and i've SEEN this happen before. It's this right here that is why i don't believe in intuition the way most people do. I've had freaky things that proved that something so concrete had changed
-clarity lately.
-lip balms
-things i'm excited for in the future
-that the cat seems better lately
-taking things one at a time,and letting go and being in the flow instead of thinking of all that needs to get done and worrying about getting it all done,and the order of it all,etc,etc
-getting some work done today
-feeling relaxed
-being settled
-in a phase of newness now
-how amazing and healthy my teeth are
-being unique
-being smart
-how nice and hard my nails are
-how cute and amusing the cat is
-a place to live
-my mind
-the law of attraction
-mercy,forgiveness,and compassion
-subjective reality