-that panic attack subliminal i started three days ago. have drastically cut down on how much i check on things for safety and not really any panic attacks about safety since i started
-the speaking affirmations sessions i started doing about a day or two ago. have had some manifesting success and improved moods since starting it and feel like my mind has retrained quite a bit. it's interesting. a lot of loa people say repetition is key,maybe they are right.i never thought of affirmations as retraining my brain before
-seeing another sign R is almost out the of picture last night. a very similar occurence to last week.
-that best friend came home last night
-that best friend hugged me last night
-my phone
-my phone charger
-clearing the psychic attack and seeing two things so far from my efforts for sure including an appliance making a noise that stopped right after i thought it was her doing(not serious about it though) and said she has no power over and now an old job seeming to fall through coming back in the picture
-that best friend has been nicer to me this week
-that best friend has said schedule changed this week and last multiple times and i heard him say it on phone too and his dad said it
-reassurance from best friend last night
-sleeping all day and my cold being relatively mild
-my eyeglasses
-rose oil
-cayenne pepper
-my manifesting success stories from the last week or two
-little positive things i've found to help me change my vibration
-getting my crown chakra balanced
-my ear feeling healed
-getting another follow up job email,too
-seeing certain things to prove to me the importance of how reality is not predestined and seeing how reality is created by our thoughts
-my energy softening up more
-my desire to surrender
-transmuting the energy of this apartment
-my voice and the ability to talk
-that a new month is near
-my bed
-my diet being more plant based again
-embracing things and realizing things can be transmuted and that everything is law of attraction.
-my ability to see. my eyesight
-my conviction