-i appreciate that it's been an interesting 24 hours! woke up earlier then usual to see a notification on my phone that the best friend of the guy i last loved who just moved across the country followed me on instagram. it was very odd.i hadn't spoken to this person in over 2 years and right recently after i find out this past love moved across the country he(the best friend of him) does this. he had to have searched for me randomly,i don't connect the app to my facebook or anything. i had thought did i somehow accidentally click something related to him but i know i hadn't.i had thought J was keeping tabs on me maybe and that's why this happened but then go to instagram,and it's gone. and his profile is completely missing. i've done some digging.i go on facebook and the picture matches his facebook so it was definitely him,and he just got broken up with his gf who he started dating two years ago. so,pretty obvious he was lurking my page and either followed me on accident then unfollowed or got too scared so changed his mind and unfollowed. overall,it was flattering! lol.i actually liked this guy before i liked J. I met them both the same night and J had a gf and this guy,i'll call him D2,had flirted and talked. I had stayed friends with J and became friends with his friends including D2 but the feelings became too much for me and J and we became involved and then it turned into chaos being such a strong soul connection. While mad at J after we ended,I had emailed D2 saying we should hang out sometime. I had meant as friends,as i wanted a friend with all my pain at the time.He had blown me off but politely but i found out it was because he was dating someone else and he then became official with her. I had always thought D2 hated me after that for some reason. Now,D2 is broken up with that girl,it just happened in october,and he is lurking my page...interesting. Im probably the last person that seemed interested in him before his gf. what's beautiful about all of this,is i felt the strangest soul connection not just to J but to some of J's friends and it was unusual for me to feel drawn to them,but they didn't keep in touch except a couple random strange things that happened which i suspected J set up to try and see if we'd run in to each other. I appreciate the interconnection of all of this. It's comforting to me. Just last night,i was feeling so sad about J having just moved across the country in october,and how i'm going to let it inspire me to be better and this happens the very next morning. me finding out his best friend is lurking my page.i remember how much fun i had back then with those people. Things like this confirm for me more and more that we travel in soul families. I just feel so drawn to some people,and it's so mysterious. Maybe D2 does like,and did like me. Maybe he will even pursue me. I don't believe in coincidences and i know that this thing this morning happened for a reason.
-that as my friend says i tend to leave a strong impression on people i don't even know that well. many times,someone i've only met once,years later will tell me how close they feel to me despite only actually meeting once things like that.people remember me well.i may not get as close to people the way most do,but what i do have going for me is i leave a strong impression despite my short time with people.
-deciding last night that D is friendzoned now. I like guys who are ambitious and capable not someone who can't even get it together to go out with a girl. he texts me pretty much daily,but asked me out september 29th and still no date. and despite the fact i really don't think he's dating others and is fairly innocent,i don't know what he's doing exactly and can't wait around and be strung along because every time he texts me,i feel attached despite not knowing if i like him since i still haven't met him! so,my decison is for my own peace of mind.
-cute socks
-another new fun app for my phone that i was having too much fun playing with last night. before bed,as i lay down,i spent 45 minute playing with pictures and laughing at my creations with it. i'm such a nerd but it was fun.
-feeling in such a good mood today
-the amazing bursts of positive energy i've been feeling this week.i feel so clear,cleansed,and released. it comes out of nowwhere that i just feel dang good all of a sudden.
-feeling cranky for a bit from my dairy hangover from last night,and then getting a coffee and donut from my favorite local coffee shop and right away my mood changing 100% to great mood again. such an amazing coffee and donut that was.
-appreciating candid moments in my neighorhood
-having an amazing dinner for later tonight
-learning new things and ways of being better
-getting work done
-another pet art completed for me
-the internet
-the feeling of aliveness and that something amazing could happen
-feeling cute
-beauty and ways to feel attractive and good about myself
-waking up feeling warm
-technology and how amazing it is these days
-my plans for tomorrow
-making things happen for myself
-feeling a little more abundant
-that november is going pretty well...actually. it may just be mostly feelings things so far,but that's where is starts.
-the mystery of life
-how great my eyebrows look
-my couch
-the interesting serendipity with D2 and D. Very similar names just take off a letter for one of them. practically the same age. both fire signs. both just very very recently got broken up with. and,sometimes,the universe brings me something similar before it brings me the real thing,i notice. both seem like they'd be outgoing and have a good amount of friends but are more innocent and shy when it comes to women. and,i did ask the universe to bring me someone new since D is driving me nuts.
-i appreciate not expecting anything. despite the fact that i'm intrigued,flattered,and inspired,that's all it is. i'm just inspired to remember time is nothing,and to just feel good and let magic happen.