-great video about how everything happening to you is actually inside you
-mountain dew
-really freaky subjective reality experience about how everyone is just my imagination of them inspired by weird things from L and even manifestations from best friend today that were freaky. I had fear questions in my mind recently and the two things at sepearate times literally manifested as they could go either way just like the questions had been in my mind. And,then the L thing has been gltiches in the matrix type stuff and how does he look so cool and sexy now? And,looks like my exes? And,just seems so different in just weeks? All,because of beliefs. It got me reflecting deep on subjective reality and how everything is imagination. It was disorienting then peaceful having me feel a sense of ease at how it can all be..
-this confidence subliminal i've been listening to that's been filling me up good with love feelings lately
-that I don't feel like i'm walking on eggshells so much with best friend anymore at least not quite so much i should say. another improvement i noticed.
-buying a top in a color i don't usually wear that draw my attention
-feeling a sense of peace and calm now and presence from that deep eerie reflecting
-living in a beautiful city
-seeing more proofs L and V are not dating in the last few days. I had assumed wrongly. My inner knowing knew it and all that brought lessons for me
-life feeling more clear,and free,and peaceful
-not being too upset really that it seems like ex A is flaking on me. I may just do something nice for myself instead this weekend.
-that i have a driving lesson tomorrow so i can work on overcoming knowing how to drive side streets. of course,i already feel there,but just want to keep doing it a little longer before i make busy streets my goal. that's the part i worry if i can actually pull off.
-best friend reassuring me i'd be able to go out soon which was a top thing i felt still stuck on with him and it came somewhat easy too hearing that
-having a job next week coming up i'm excited about
-that i've been going about my life
-A who inspires me so much and having nice reflection on him last night
-how much i feel like i've gone back to my loa roots lately and how alive and invincible life's been starting to feel again,just a little bit.
-my visualization sessions i've been doing and how beneficial they've been
-finding out travel funds are good for longer then i thought so no rush to travel now since it's not a good time and i honestly just want to work on myself and get a liscense right now and have things with best friend heal more. if i really focus at it,i may even go and get my liscense come march which would be nice so i can move onto other things,but i am also trying not to rush and just enjoy the process.
-being healthy.i think acupuncture helped. they put a needle in my chest and it felt as if it increased blood flow to my heart. was really cool and i have felt a sense that my ear and heart feel healthier and healed ever since.
-warm,soothing showers
-feeling more relaxed. that's how life should be.
-being an attractive person,moreso then i even realize most times