-self forgiveness
-being awake
-getting towels in the wash,and that i can do laundry today
-feeling calmer about some things
-being safe
-that i can go and see the cat this week
-sound therapies which make me feel good
-remembering how easy the law of attraction is even if it doesn't always feel like it
-my eyeglasses
-law of attraction forums to get out where i'm at with certain issues,which also helps point out certain limiting beliefs for me
-being able to help others on an loa chat
-call from best friend this morning
-being able to see how R seems created out of my own awareness
-visualization sessions which always seem to make me feel so good. though,i'd like to see more external manifestations from them,but perhaps i just need to be more patient
-getting more info on a postponed job,though now it seems it won't be until april
-being able to understand why i feel anxious and also seeing maybe i just need to get through this month,and then i'll feel much more calm
-being easy on myself
-staying determined to change who i am,despite feeling down today