-the responses i got from D that made me feel like he was seeing me as cute again and treating me like a child so i texted with him a smidge and deciding to go further with plan instead of waiting until saturday coming up with really creative texts to which he was responding before i was even done with all of them being really sweet on me,and even with the last one the one to disturb he still remained sweet and only affected positively saying he would not do that one thing and instead would cuddle with me. my biggest plan to creep him out completely only made him like me more. he then kept saying im awesome and i'm such an enigma and i really peaked his interest and why would i creep him out i'm a great fantasy writer and all these things so it was hard he responded like a winner. earlier before that he was texting me so much more then usual really clingy too and trying to get me to respond.
-texting with D all day. we actually texted alot today,it seemed to be on and off all day. and then after he didn't get creeped out,i asked him why not and finally confessed the texts were to get back at him he waited a bit to respond and did ask if i was b-s ing him and i finally laid it all out on the table for him. i didn't go into details but told him the truth. he didn't seem to care and has seemed to be avoiding me.i told him the interest lost was mutual. it seemed he was going to the movies around the exact time i started to tell him what was up. i'm glad i got it out.i had planned on
keeping up with my plan for about a month,but a week is fine. at least i got what i wanted out of it.
-trying out the vegan cheese. i didn't like it,but at least now i know
-ginger ale
-coffee and french toast sticks
-physical exercise. it makes me feel good.
-seeing i get attached and need to work on that
-my interview i have tomorrow
-laundry being done and having clean clothes.
-best friend commenting i look darker,if even he can tell,it must be somewhat noticeable
-being easy on myself
-tibetan singing bowls music to quiet my mind
-meditation and how good it makes me feel
-feeling more action-taking oriented lately.i know i need to step out more
-asking myself what do i want a little more lately
-knowing my heart and what i know to be true
-inspiration that inspires me to do more,be more,evolve more,and further my potential
-the quiet
-having a home
-when guys are sweet,it's great.
-people turning things in today,may not be perfect but at least things are getting turned in
-the mysterious and the interesting
-being career focused
-mixing things up slightly
-the universe
-changing things up from the plan or formula a bit from time to time.i think this is great to do from time to time,helps you to go with the flow and induces spontaneity. hmm. inspired now.