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  1. #1


    For Buttercup , who takes me back to feelings of anticipation, hope, vanity, dissapointment,acceptance, sharing into her private thoughts .
    Go Girl , Love you. Xx

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    For Buttercup , who takes me back to feelings of anticipation, hope, vanity, dissapointment,acceptance, sharing into her private thoughts .
    Go Girl , Love you. Xx
    aww,lol glad others are enjoying it. i like looking back on mine and seeing what i'm going through sometimes we lose sight of it in the moment.

  3. #3


    -how nice people have been on this thread
    -the amazing journaling session i had last night that cleared everything for me,got me to the root of things,and seeing the metaphysical cause of this last month and back on track with what do I want
    -sleeping well and waking up feeling cozy
    -getting my phone upgraded with how much storage i can have on it now and getting the app i had been wanting to get for the past week or so finally. and now i have more room so this will make my life more efficient with things i need
    -feeling so super relaxed tonight and chill. enjoying just being
    -relaxing,peaceful music that allows one to dream and reflect and just feel chill
    -how amazingly nice my best friend and all he puts up with for me
    -business partner changing her mind about wanting a break.i didn't reply right away,and then she changed her mind shortly,i think maybe feeling guilty. but,i think a short break might be good. either way,im going with the flow and applying the lessons of yesterday
    -getting back on track with why i've been a mess and realizing my indecison combined with insecurity lowered my vibe and gave conflicting messages to the universe. now i feel wonderfully decisive,surrendered,faithful,and confident
    -potatoes. went back to vegetarian for the day and indulged again in some pizza and potatoes. i appreciate being leniant on myself at times and not feeling awful if i have vegetarian once in awhile
    -seeing how when i stayed calm and positive little things started to work out yesterday and then today i woke up determined to be positive and the day it did test me,but i still stayed calm and positive and it all worked out,and manifested some goodness and most importantly feeling good
    -that when i play around with photo editing apps,i find i don't even really need much editing at all
    -d emailing me today. it came as quite a surprise and felt nice. i've not known anyone like him before and i think i may be different to him,too.
    -guys who like my look exactly as i am
    -calming more and more down about d and worrying about him just dating other girls. as best friend said,he seems to be a good guy and more of the innocent type. he has issues and is weird,but a good guy. everytime i've assumed in my head he must be doing this or that with some girl,i've been proven wrong. this is also helping me to realize i have jealousy issues i need to work through
    -feeling lovey feelings tonight
    -feeling like people care more about me then i may think
    -giving myself a break.
    -realizing solutions to be happier i will be implementing now from last nights journal session of what i want
    -feeling secure
    -free tv shows online to watch
    -being ok with not going out tonight
    -the rain today. i kind of enjoyed the weird wacky weather. sunny,rainy,and snowy today. my city had it all.
    -for a new month now
    -my beauty
    -that life is taking care of me and has my back
    -forward movement
    -knowing what i want and what an amazing feeling that is
    -the abundance,healing,and forward movement i feel
    -days off
    -allowing myself to surrender
    -acknowledgment of pain and knowing i don't need to know all the answer and have it all figured out right now
    -feeling absolutely ready for a new month,and know it's going to be transformative and filled with blessings.
    -knowing i create my reality.
    -letting go

  4. #4


    -d texting me today. that's two days in a row contacting me again now. he's swimming closer to me. journaling session made a difference for sure
    -noticing d is clearly paying attention to me with things and wanting to find excuses to talk to me,elongate the conversation,and trying to text on my schedule he thinks i'll answer right away. cute. lol.i guess he seen i never respond right away in the morning so now he is always texting right at the times i would respond.
    -how amazingly relaxed and chill i felt last night
    -the app downloading frenzy i've been on. been in a must download all the apps mood since last night and playing around on my phone. found a cool app with stickers.
    -doing some blogging today. felt nice to express myself a little
    -a dinner so high in protein,i dont need any protein drinks
    -avoiding the junk i was craving
    -how hard my nails feel from all that protein
    -being a woman
    -being and feeling damn feminine
    -models with my kind of look and mouth and teeth. it makes me more confident and also my job which makes me more confident
    -improvement and expansion
    -how cute it is that d likes girls with fair skin and doesnt like tanning and thinks minimal makeup is best. lol. he seems like he's going to be my little control freak already.
    -upping my cardio today
    -clothes fitting loser today from skipping workout yesteday
    -plans with a friend to get coffee
    -dim lighting
    -how sunny it was today
    -cool job offers that intrigue me
    -my unique way of seeing things
    -being love
    -comfortable clothes to wear
    -cozy sleep and waking up feeling warm
    -laughing at things
    -getting decisive and staying decisive
    -feeling better. felt physically unwell earlier from eating cheese but am better now
    -my vision,tastes,and personality
    -a drive with best friend and nice chat with him and how nice it was to hear a little bit into his mind and what's going on with him
    -laying off the tarot and coins lately. doing good with backing off of that!
    -hot coffee
    -hot tea
    -how freaking awesome this month is going to be. And,d contacted me first day of the month. so far,so good!
    -that something good is going to happen today and/or tomorrow
    -good news in animal advocacy
    -d definitely tests me. from reading his texts and reflecting. i appreciate being able to see that. omg,he was testing me earlier today.i knew that text message seemed a bit off. he said i'm very disciplined and it made no sense not really relating to what i said.i had thought earlier is he trying to say because he expecting me to make our plans or because he's gone a few days without texting me and i do nothing but wait patiently...i mean discipline is quite a strong word for what i had been talking about...but now it makes sense he has had his ex on his mind a lot and she abandoned him so he's trying to relate how i am with friends thinking would i abandon him. what a little mind player he is! he's definitely in a major testing stage with me. this is the 2nd or third time i've caught him doing something off that was deliberately to see how i'd react. hmm. wondering what this means! so far,definitely true from ways he's been and what he's revealed are he's definitely insecure,and definitely plays games,and definitely tests me. he's also obviously a control freak.
    -the internet
    -the quiet

  5. #5


    -d contacted me again today just now! he is getting anxious,i feel it,and feeling shy but trying to hold on to me
    -the peppermint latte igot today. tasted like winter and gave me a major mood and energy boost
    -being young
    -cardio session and that i now do longer session then one month ago
    -embracing the dark
    -getting a new hat for winter today
    -getting potatoes for dinner today and the awesome no chicken noodle soup i am going to have with it tonight!
    -techno music for making me want to dance and getting me focused
    -getting some work done today and feeling productive. heck yes. and feeling like i am in the mood to do more later tonight.
    -feeling energetic today and good
    -my beauty and feeling more confident about my looks today
    -my shoes i wore today. comfy but give me a little height
    -feeling like i got more looks while out today
    -feeling loving
    -love songs
    -feeling like going out and having fun and going clubbing soon
    -my winter coat
    -how big my eyes are
    -getting confident and decisive
    -how amazing my hair is
    -that i get to go tanning this coming week again and feeling less nervous about it
    -my online blogging. it really helped me feel better
    -my space feeling clean and organized making my mind feel organized
    -knee high socks. for keeping me warm and looking cute
    -being able to smile at silly d's games
    -all the apps on my phone now
    -how damn amazing my best friend is
    -confiding in best friend were both having hard times and we need to start working together and pulling together to get rid of the block we've been having
    -waking up feeling warm and cozy
    -the sun
    -deciding i'm going to go out and get some night sky tonight no matter how cold it is
    -lovely thoughts
    -feeling good
    -trying hard but not too hard to keep my thoughts really positive now and remembering I create my reality
    -just knowing sometimes
    -destiny and the magic of life
    -how damn good things are about to get i feel it
    -the realizations,epiphanies that come from the depths of my pain that allow me to turn it around
    -some great new submissions that are coming in that i feel may because of my instagram efforts
    -feeling so feminine
    -realizing how much of a spark there really has been with d this whole time,and seeing things differently with how he sees me and how things could go with us,what kind of person he is,how he wants to be,etc,etc the fact that something already happened in october,and changed us both and isn't just something that can be ignored. a connection was forged. a spark ignited. buttons pushed. mutual attraction confirmed.
    -my flexibility
    -my rebounder
    -my child like side and realizing that's exactly how d sees me and wants to treat me
    -realizing last night i really need to get it together and make more things happen! but from a feminine perspective of allowing mixed with inspired action.
    -being forgiving of a wandering mind and knowing when i do my alternative healing meditation that's going to fix a lot of that up for me
    -rose water atomizer
    -reassurances i give to myself
    -embracing my pain
    -being real
    -my ideas

  6. #6


    -that i don't care about d and his games now. he texted me then ignores then i text later and he doesnt reply right away(unlike him) and is short with me then responds again in the morning super short and quite frankly kind of rude! first time he's done this. thought we were almost closer again then he does this. day is not over,maybe he'll surprise me.
    -friend to chat with after finding out heart breaking news about last guy i was in love with that made me feel very weird
    -news about last guy i was in love with affirming many things for me and utilizing the pain as inspiration
    -vodka. it was needed last night
    -my porch
    -food to nourish me
    -feeling good after hangover passed
    -best friend being patient with me knowing how hurt i was. how he's just much more patient with me this year,then ever before. it's odd and i almost wish we wasn't
    -the stories in our lives
    -finding again more proof d is acting nutty because he's not over his ex. he posted about her again today on one of his social networks
    -being told i can do things,too
    -that it was beautiful out today,even though i missed it since by the time i spent some time outside it was chilly
    -night skies
    -the weirdness of life because it's very telling at times
    -my desires and even my longing
    -being positive all things considered
    -deciding to stay really dedicated to fitness and not slacking on protein drinks anymore
    -knowing things can turn around at any time

  7. #7


    -starting my day off with my mason jar filled with water so i can start my day off on the right track
    -the braids in my hair
    -the stories of my life
    -being young still
    -my beauty
    -how large my eyes are
    -how thin my stomach looks today
    -a nice,warm cozy sleep today
    -fascination and intrigue
    -positive words for each day of the week
    -trying to be positive and determined today
    -changing my reality
    -that i get to go tanning today
    -lifting myself up the emotional guidance scale little by little,letting go of worries more and more
    -being easy on myself since i know that is they key to change for me
    -knowing one day i'll be cross country,too
    -a job offer from someone new in my email today
    -mystery and wondering
    -that i had italian ice in my fridge after a major craving for icecream or popsicle. very pleasant
    -tv shows online to watch
    -interesting sleeping dreams lately
    -signs coming back
    -physical exercise
    -protein drinks
    -the amazing people i've met in my life
    -being able to just reflect
    -soul connections
    -laying down sometimes and doing nothing. taking a break
    -snack foods
    -how flexible my body is
    -interesting life realizations and observations
    -art and creativity

  8. #8
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    Sunny Climes
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    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #9


    -protein drinks!
    -feeling in a better mood today
    -getting some skin color
    -feeling a sense of release today
    -the insights that came to me in meditation yesterday about not rushing
    -hair ties
    -posting a new selfie on instagram and being surprised by all the likes i got right away.i was quite nervous about posting so it made me feel good admittedly.
    -photo editing apps
    -all the storage space on my phone now
    -how amazing my best friend is and having him in my life
    -asking the universe for a sign today. clarity is needed.
    -feeling that poke symbol on facebook from d standing out at me again like it's telling me to poke him. last time this happened,i followed that and he poked back and we got back to talking again. but logic is overriding me and i'm not going to,for now. i don't want him thinking i want him to add me back,even though,i did delete him and would love for him to add me back. maybe he wants me to add him back.idk,but i asked the universe for a sign so some clarity is coming
    -using my pain as fuel
    -interesting bright colored short lucid dreams that are very metaphorical
    -my neighborhood growing on me a little bit,and embracing it a smidge and working with it
    -heart chakra music and theta music
    -ways to get all water consumption goals in easily
    -feeling my feelings
    -feeling strange and observing this feeling. yesterday felt so eerie,like i shifted realities and kept noticing odd things and just felt weird,like i've been here before type thoughts a lot.
    -changing your past meditations
    -quantum leaping
    -knowing i create my reality
    -getting my writing thing for work done! such a release.
    -blankets and waking up feeling warm
    -the sun
    -being a romantic
    -detaching a little from online lurking of d
    -my eyes feeling better
    -my stomach being flatter
    -being very pretty
    -veganism becoming more and more popular
    -d still seeming to respect me,i keep fearing certain things but he seems really respectful and innocent like ican relax. maybe i'm wrong,but i don't think i why can't i have him? he may play games and be insecure and doesn't make as much money as some guys and has that long beard that's now grown on me,but he seems like he'd be super loving and would worship the girl he is with. or,maybe i'm wrong.i got mad he was minimal in my last text,but maybe he thought i was trying to friendzone him.i wasn't. i was just upset about j moving cross country and was hoping someone i like could maybe talk with me about it. but,clearly that's off limits with him..
    -remembering who i was when j liked me and pursued me and fell for me,so i can be that girl again,and be better,and attract love into my life again
    -staying consistent with the universe now and decisive on my wants
    -vegan products
    -resourcefulness and efficiency ideas. yay!
    -understanding something is off about when d approached me. something is mysterious and i will get to the bottom of it. maybe i'm naive but either he is very fake to have approached me so soon after his breakup,like it was sooo soon.two weeks at the,either he was being fake and using me i wonder for an ego boost,or he liked me even before,after all it's quite odd he approached me a little over a month after my phone bugged out and liked all his posts on that social app. i mean,i'm one of the first he thinks to try to ask out? so practically speaking,i'm not thinking he didn't try doing that to other girls,too just being in that desperate position and who knows what else he tried.i even seen a post on his facebook implying he was poking his friends and him saying he was poking whoever facebook suggested. but,even that felt like a set-up to me,like he was poking other girls so i wouldn't think it odd he poked me.on one hand,it seems he very quickly got hungry and maybe trying hard to ease that pain,but on the other hand,i had thought he was making it seem like that,so he could approach me without it seeming so odd,but that's too...thinking highly of myself.and,so there is definitely something missing. i just can't pin what it is.i'd love to do some kind of deep meditation to get answer. when this first happened,i right away thought it was because of that social app glitch and that he was approaching me intentionally.i had thought he was single! but,then ifound out how recent his breakup was and it just seemed like maybe he was trying really hard to ease his pain. but,two weeks at the most..something off with that..

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Currently in the physical
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    I'm not feeling the best about life right now so I thought that maybe if I post a "thank you post" on your thread, maybe I will look at life through rose-tinted glasses for a couple of minutes

    *I'm grateful for "Modern Family" because it always makes me laugh- even in rough times- and well known tv shows are also a good way to connect with strangers. I can talk to almost any person about Friends, and they will know what I'm talking about
    *I'm grateful for the earrings I bought from eBay that finally came in the mail today!!! love them. Yay. Also- they're ear cuffs so I get brand new style without having to pierce my ears again. And they were super cheap, too!
    *Love, love, love eBay in general so of course I'm grateful for it
    *I am grateful for this community and the support it gives me. It's good to interact with like minded people!
    *I am grateful for being able to OBE- I don't know how many people can do this and this really ISN'T the place to ask and get the statistics right (most of the people here can, but we are a small percent in the population in general). But I feel like it's a specail skill to have and it really enriched my life.

    I love your list, it does make me feel better- especially when I say WHY I'm grateful. I hope you don't mind I'm writing so much on your thread!
    My twitter inspirational quotes account
    "By your own effort waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master." —Buddha
    I am another you. You are another me.

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