1. #741


    -doing some shoulder and arm exercises
    -la croix as a soda replacement. went a day with no soda and no soda cravings,drinking la croix instead.
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -great weather today
    -going to therapy today
    -going to neighborhood S kitten was last seen and looking for her and putting more flyers up
    -the internet
    -all the creativity i was feeling yesterday and bunch of creative ideas and joy coming to me
    -my eyeglasses
    -T kitten
    -throat and third eye chakra solfeggios music
    -happy news stories about things similar to what im going through popping up in my reality
    -getting some more work done on article that's due next. being just about finished with it.
    -my beauty
    -style and fashion
    -my favorite prada perfume. can't get enough of it lately.
    -being considered very attractive by others
    -finishing up the closet
    -happy memories
    -having a great body. why in the world does it take hindsight of looking at picture in the past to realize wow,i looked freaking amazing. i talked a bit about my ocd today in therapy.
    -getting more emails sent out for jobs
    -being easy on myself
    -unique beauty
    -feeling optimistic
    -being appreciated
    -my desires and goals
    -activating back my facebook
    -funny things and laughing
    -my phone
    -my inner confidence growing more and more
    -growing as a person
    -dreams come true
    -my femininity
    -being able to see
    -face exercises and face massage
    -scalp massage
    -my cuteness and child-like qualities
    -authenticity and nonconformity
    -compassion for self
    -awesome meditative insights as well as insights on life and reality
    -my talent and accomplishments
    -being thin
    -positive changes
    -positive possibilities
    Last edited by buttercup; 8th March 2017 at 06:17 AM.

  2. #742


    -not taking any naps today
    -lemon flavoring
    -sweet sodas
    -sending some messages to people who expressed concern for me
    -TV episodes online
    -doing a little studying today
    -doing a little reading today
    -getting a ton of job offers and confirmations lately. i can't remember last time it's been this high..i think i'm learning how to stay that right amount of detached on this topic so it's allowing things to flow
    -my eyeglasses
    -yoga pants
    -T kitten
    -getting more flyers made for T cat and S kitten this time in french
    -fashion and style
    -having a clear appreciation for my beauty last night while looking through some pics of myself
    -following my interests/following my bliss
    -sending out more emails today for jobs
    -going for a little walk looking for T cat and putting up flyers for her
    -my beauty
    -the internet
    -my phone
    -being able to see
    -my perfumes
    -uber offering flat fares package again
    -M putting more money into my account
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -my unique way of looking at things
    -colored pencils
    -doing some coloring tonight
    -positive changes
    Last edited by buttercup; 9th March 2017 at 07:27 AM.

  3. #743


    -self forgiveness
    -being easy on myself
    -vegan ramen
    -being almost done with article ive been working on
    -becoming more confident
    -fruity crispy bites
    -feeling motivated,passionate,and creative
    -all the emails coming in lately
    -TV episodes online
    -my beauty
    -having a nice body
    -hamstring stretches
    -physical exercise
    -the dimmer lights in my room
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -T kitten
    -sweet soda
    -deciding to try cutting back on quetiapine
    -clean clothes
    -doing some more reading today
    -excitement for life
    -my prada perfume
    -my eyes
    -fashion and style
    -my phone
    -manifestation of old desires and growing as a person
    -being able to see

  4. #744


    Well today was rough. I had some shadiness happen and just lot of a lot the money i was supposed to earn for March. The whole experience made me angry and reminded me why i hate the first career and line of work i ever went into and where a large stem of my issues with trust and self esteem even stem from. When this happened,it instantly shot at my self esteem and made me question myself. I hate that. As i calmed down a bit,I tried to trust all would be well,and sort of observed the experience.i came to realize,it was easy to see how i manifested this one.i was critical of the vibe i got at the training today. before,a coulpe thoughts would flash in my mind about what if they cut one of my days thinking is it too good to be true,and well a few days ago that happened. Then,in the evening I had a few thoughts along the lines of what if they didnt like me and randomly cut me. Sure enough,randomly as heck....that happens. I could go all over the place and put a bunch of concepts in my head such as could others affect my reality/what if it was intuitive hunch,etc,etc, or i could i keep it simple...i thought negatively. After feeling awful,and letting myself take a nap,i woke up and realized,i've just been lazy. I havent wanted to put in the effort of controlling my thoughts a bit. For a variety of reasons..fear of failure to feeling like it's not natural and trying too hard. Maybe i partly allowed this experience into my reality to plain as day see with ease how it was all my thoughts. And,now post nap,i realize it's a fear of failing to control my thoughts combined with wanting my reality to feel free and spontaneous that's made me lazy to control my thoughts. That 2nd part if a misunderstanding of the law of attraction,and the first part is just from traumas in my life. I feel,too though the more we believe in the loa,and even the true nature of reality,the more we SHOULD be able to let things roll off our backs. I've seen so many eerie loa manifestations of how i've changed my reality. I've actually started to have more success with intention manifesting by just easily/naturally giving space in my mind after setting an intention...doing that has given me a lot of easy manifestations and ease. My fear is literally just becoming someone who does a ton of loa processes again just to only intentionally manifest from time to time and to be trying too hard. Also,one of the first thoughts i had after this experience was that i want to go out somewhere in nature so i am going to plan that. So,as much as i'm upset by the loss of a lot of money,and hurt feelings,i am able to see the good in this. And,I did manage to get them to say they'll pay me for today and the tomorrow despite me not going tomorrow now so that's a little something,i suppose and im trying to trust life that maybe something even better for me is going to pop up on those days i was going to work. I think surrender in that sense and acceptance is so key to flow. I still think it's odd to let this roll off my back..but i feel by doing that it just aids in healing whatever inner traumas could lead to some negative manifestations plus there's nothing wrong with being a nonconformist and living trusting loa,we trust the magic in life,and the power in letting go and flowing. i just also feel like im growing as a person with this attitude and allowing into my life the space to allow more goodness into my life.
    -being able to see the good in my experience today and how it manifested
    -being told i'll still get paid for two days of work
    -feeling petty good about myself almost in a bit of egotistical way at the meeting..i know part of that is "wrong," but am observing that the positive aspects of my confidence growing.
    -growing as a person
    -uber flat fare package
    -unique beauty
    -being easy on myself and letting myself just nap after upsetting thing earlier
    -la croix
    -grapeseed oil
    -band aids
    -how beautiful my city is at night
    -vitamin e
    -laughing at life,funny life moments
    -coming to realize life is about trying to do a lot and be ambitious,but at the same time balancing that out with also being easy on yourself and slowing down at times,all the while practice being present and connected.
    -getting a high end opportunitity in my email while at my meeting today
    -T kitten
    -last night,while going through pinterest,and adding pics to my project i wanted to start working on and how healing it was to just start working and that great confidence and creative surge it gave me.i remember last summer,having the thoughts that this is something very special,i should try and take pictures of them. sometimes,it is creativity and outlet of expression that really heals me.
    -TV episodes online
    -the internet
    -short circuiting negative thoughts
    -alone time
    -being able to see a recent experience in my life as another obvious connection to the loa..this stuff is spookily real.
    -experiencing lots of little "glitches in the matrix" type things lately.
    -deep cleansing breaths
    Last edited by buttercup; 11th March 2017 at 08:38 AM.

  5. #745


    -backbends and how amazing they make me feel
    -the brownies M got me
    -being a pretty positive mood considering what happened yesterday
    -skipping soda today and having la croix. i feel cleaner and like parts of me are healing when i dont drink soda.
    -deep cleansing breaths.
    -T kitten
    -cute cat pictures
    -the internet
    -laughing at life
    -my confidence growing
    -my style
    -having great taste
    -my phone
    -having great curves
    -positive changes and evolving and the new person ive been becoming
    -beauty ideas
    -my eyebrows and how great they look unkempt.ive been debating a way to try and work with the look somehow..on one hand,it looks less groomed,but on the other,very child-like which is my style
    -beauty products
    -all the awesome things i have coming up
    -self compassion
    -messages with people on facebook
    -cleaning my floor today
    -getting my article done and being happy with it
    -having nice eyes
    -yoga pants
    -connection and becoming more connected again
    -short circuiting negative thoughts
    -my goals and desires

  6. #746


    -how cute T kitten looks when he is sleeping
    -french language and how charming it looks and sounds
    -my personality
    -my unique way of being
    -new inspirations
    -inspiring people
    -knowing so many inspiring people
    -expressing myself
    -being in a nice phase of reinventing myself that is really nice
    -positive changes and becoming new
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -hot guys
    -high cheekbones
    -dental floss
    -my stomach being extremely flat today and finally seeing the little tweaks that are transforming my body for the better
    -going around the neighborhood posting more flyers for S kitten and T cat
    -my confidence growing
    -having nice eyes
    -physical exercise and how good it makes me feel
    -fashion and style
    -my strength
    -happy memories
    -feeling attractive
    -all my accomplishments
    -having another casting tomorrow
    -sweet soda
    -fudge brownie for breakfast
    -being easy on myself and taking things one day at a time
    -facebook messages with others
    -connection and becoming more connected
    -my motivation
    -short circuiting negative thoughts
    -my beauty products
    -hand massage
    -relaxation and relaxation exercises
    -the new mouthwash i've been using
    -my great taste
    -doing more studying and getting my next certificate for that course
    -having had my dreams come true befor
    -being brave
    -an interesting moment with M coming to talk to me about something.i already knew as her husband had told me about a day ago but i thought it odd she hadnt said anything and had been quieter this week so when she came to me,it seemed like an aha moment kind of explaining something in my head for me and making sense of things.
    Last edited by buttercup; 13th March 2017 at 11:09 AM.

  7. #747
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Currently in the physical
    Blog Entries


    Hi, lovely! this is the story from The Power that I mentioned... I thought it may be to long to add to the PM, so I'm just writing it here, hope it's ok! I though this story was very inspiring, I hope you'll like it...
    with love,

    When my family had settled in the United States, we flew our fifteen-year-old dog, Cabbie, to be with us. One night, not long after Cabbie had arrived, he managed to get out of a small gap in the fence. Our home backs onto mountains, so it was far from an ideal situation. In the dark we searched the streets and the trails leading up to the mountains, but our dog was nowhere to be found.
    As my daughter and I were searching, negative feelings of anguish began to increase. I knew we had to stop searching and change the way we were feeling inside immediately. The
    negative feelings were telling us that we were imagining the worst, and we had to change the way we were feeling quickly and imagine the best. At that point, every possible outcome
    could still happen, and we had to choose the outcome of having Cabbie safely home with us, by imagining and feeling that he was home.
    We returned home and we pretended our dog was with us. We put food in his bowl as though he were there. We imagined hearing the bell around Cabbie's neck as he walked down our hallway. We talked to him and called out his name, as though he were there. My daughter went to bed imagining that her best friend of fifteen years was sleeping next to her
    bed as he always did.
    Early the next morning, we discovered a notice on a tree at the foot of the mountains saying that someone had found a Ii ttle dog. It was Cabbie. Just as we had imagined, our dog
    returned home safely to us. No matter what changing situation you may find yourself in, imagine the best outcome and feel it! When you do, you will change the circumstances, and you will change ~ the situation into what you want!
    My twitter inspirational quotes account
    "By your own effort waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master." —Buddha
    I am another you. You are another me.

  8. #748


    -sweet soda
    -believing in the manifestation of my heart's desires
    -going to the casting today
    -the hilarious things T kitten does
    -messages from dontco
    -happy memories
    -getting out there and doing things even if it's uncomfortable at first
    -new experiences
    -going to new places
    -being in a phase of reinventing myself
    -having nice curves
    -fashion and style
    -having great taste in things
    -doing some reading today
    -hip opening stretches
    -my little 2 lb dumbells in my room and doing some upper body exercises with them today
    -acknowledgement of things
    -black leggings and yoga pants
    -writing down notes for my psychiatrist appointment tomorrow
    -getting the shout outs from dance studio i work at on article i wrote. that made me feel very good.
    -becoming thinner
    -getting the cert for the last course i've been studying for
    -the internet
    -my phone
    -cool apps
    -my beauty products
    -unique beauty
    -photographic moments
    -being able to see
    -going to whole foods for shopping tonight
    -the potatoes i got from the whole foods cold bar.
    -hot tea
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -taking life one day at a time
    -being easy on myself
    -self compassion
    -the way my eyebrows have been looking lately and new way of doing eyebrow makeup
    -the way the air felt today when i sat outside for a few minutes,nice and clean and fresh
    -positive possibilities
    -my prada candy perfume
    Last edited by buttercup; 14th March 2017 at 09:21 AM.

  9. #749


    Love it,dontco!

  10. #750


    -creative expression and having a lot of it lately
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -going to the psychiatrist today
    -T kitten and how cute he is and how much he makes me laugh
    -my hazelnut latte i got today
    -my style
    -losing weight and becoming thinner with ease and seeing my body transform to a more likeable ideal
    -my curves
    -my lower back and venus dimples
    -my outdoor cats
    -expressing myself and telling my story.
    -doing a lot of reading today and getting a good amount out of my current book
    -going another day without soda with ease and how helpful lacroix is for me with that. i can feel my body detox-ing with ease naturally and it's wonderful.
    -my black and white poncho
    -being attractive
    -my beauty
    -emotions and feeling my feelings
    -my prada candy perfume
    -taking a nice warm shower earlier then usual tonight
    -my bed
    -getting caught up on a lot of emails
    -facebook messages with others
    -my eyebrows
    -seeing my stomach flatten out and how gratifying it is to heal that problem
    -cosy clothing
    -great art
    -an agency seeming really eager to book me for a job without auditioning and the possibility of that happening now
    -the recent job confirmations and offers still circulating around
    -inspiration and inspiring people
    -being able to feel
    -the internet
    -my hair barrette
    -feeling my body getting stronger
    -feeling like my eyesight has improved a little bit
    Last edited by buttercup; 15th March 2017 at 09:18 AM.

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