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Thread: I think I overloaded. Please advice.

  1. I think I overloaded. Please advice.

    I think it started last night. I was doing some energy manipulation within the body from my 1st chakra area up to the top of my head and back down all the way to my feet and then back up again (eyes clothes laying down on the floor of my room). I kept doing it till my entire body felt electrified.

    Today, before leaving my school's parking lot while warming up my car, I was creating several constructs. A psi-ball orbiting my head, an energy suit which transmutes all energy into positive energy before entering my body, and I put a psi bubble around my pendant hanging around my neck (it is a lapis lazuli stone with a midnight lace obisidian ring. I got these recently)

    Right before leaving I programmed the suit to absorb ambient energy while I drive....

    I get into the hot sunny outside world and in about 5 minutes I am feeling this electric build up i mean it was huge in my diaphragm and I said "delete program." "new program: block outside all outside energy." I think this is where I made a mistake, just now i remembered you can't STOP energy.

    5 more minutes pass and the entire length of my arms and the entire length of my legs is like... I mean the electric build up was insane I was starting to get twitchy and really uncomfortable... In about one more minute, man I tell you, my lips was supercharged and so was my head. My vision was like... everything was super super super bright and things were getting really REAL at this point. Here, I thought I was gonna have to pull over!

    I tried to throw the excess energy out the window but I probably wasn't doing it right because my entire body was like... "just what the heck is going on!"

    I speed to my house and as soon as I park I drop everything and run to the back yard get bear footed. I sit on the floor and place my hands and feet on rocks and focused on pushing the excess energy to the ground. I kept doing it till the electricity everywhere subsided. The electricity in my lips was the last to leave....

    Could you kind ladies and gentlemen tell me what happened? Please advice how I am supposed to normalize while I am in a situation like driving? What can I improve? What should I change?

    Thank you in advance for your knowledge & wisdom.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: I think I overloaded. Please advice.

    Hi Serching4Guru,
    I have no advice to give you, but I know what you are going through, I did experÃ♥ence exactly what you decreibe for 12 years ago.
    I was so in chock and I did pray to take it back to God, yes I know I did pray this way, and all stopped, I know it will return when I am ready, I did feel it was such a big responsibillity to have this kind of Power, and I was not ready for it that time.
    You may be ready, you have asked for this and you did get it, but if you are not ready , then I am sure it will go away if you ask it to happen, and return when you are ready and know for what you will have this powerful energy to.
    I did not know and I did not handle it that time, and to be honest I am not ready still today 12 years passed.
    But I do have a very strong feeling that one day I am ready, it is not today.

    I hope you will solve it and find a way to feel you are in Control of it and know the area of use for it for the greater good.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #3
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    Re: I think I overloaded. Please advice.

    You need to start practicing some mindfulness, or 'being in the moment'. I believe there may be some threads on it in the meditation subforum. And ground after you do any energy work, and stay away from your head chakras for a while.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. Re: I think I overloaded. Please advice.

    You seem to be massively in your head making all these constructs etc.

    When it comes to 'psychic powers' I believe we go through stages.

    I used to be like this in my teens and early 20's. I was always shielding myself with different colors of light, building rotating layered aura fields with programming in them, making programmed thoughtform constructs etc.

    It was all well and good for awhile and very interesting to see how this would influence my environment and other people but it was never the actual solution. It never actually progressed my life in any meaningful way... the carrot was always out of reach and these things just seemed to create the illusion that I was in control when infact I was not.

    What eventually happened was my mind became hyper visual from all the visualization and very proficient at creating thoughtforms even with absent minded stray thoughts. Sounds pretty cool, but if I was on a bus and someone was infront of me... all I had to do is accidentally think of them and they'd turn around and give me a weird look. Or in other situations, I'd accidentally think of something negative for a fraction of a second which would create an independent thoughtform which give me pain in my body and produce black shadows in 3d space which I could see moving around.

    I don't think my words can actually do justice to how difficult this was. there was many more examples of how my day to day life was made 1000% more difficult because of this.

    The issue is that one day, sooner or later, you will have to learn how to surrender your will to a higher power. Stillness of mind and surrender are so important. People used to tell me this when I was younger and it never registered... it seemed really useless and boring to be honest. But now I understand from experience how it is the most powerful thing, way more powerful than creating thoughtforms and programming servitors and things like that. All that stuff for the most part are cheap tricks for entertaining the ego... but actually down the line they can lead to forms of psychosis.

    True power comes from surrender to the higher power, from the void, from stillness.

    Saying all that, I do minimal energy work. I do N.E.W. on my feet, legs, hips and sometimes hands and arms and I bring energy down from my head down into my feet and into the ground. That's it. Nothing else, and I don't visualise energy either.. I just feel it. I also make sure that for every 10 mintues I do of that I do about 20 minutes of void meditation / focusing on nothing but emptiness.

    *I'd like to add that if you're intent on continuing with creating thoughtforms and things like that... try and get out of your head and use positive emotions instead of thoughts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: I think I overloaded. Please advice.

    That's great advice, Hold or Fold. It's a keeper.

    You seem to be massively in your head making all these constructs etc.

    When it comes to 'psychic powers' I believe we go through stages.

    I used to be like this in my teens and early 20's. I was always shielding myself with different colors of light, building rotating layered aura fields with programming in them, making programmed thoughtform constructs etc.

    It was all well and good for awhile and very interesting to see how this would influence my environment and other people but it was never the actual solution. It never actually progressed my life in any meaningful way... the carrot was always out of reach and these things just seemed to create the illusion that I was in control when infact I was not.

    What eventually happened was my mind became hyper visual from all the visualization and very proficient at creating thoughtforms even with absent minded stray thoughts. Sounds pretty cool, but if I was on a bus and someone was infront of me... all I had to do is accidentally think of them and they'd turn around and give me a weird look. Or in other situations, I'd accidentally think of something negative for a fraction of a second which would create an independent thoughtform which give me pain in my body and produce black shadows in 3d space which I could see moving around.

    I don't think my words can actually do justice to how difficult this was. there was many more examples of how my day to day life was made 1000% more difficult because of this.

    The issue is that one day, sooner or later, you will have to learn how to surrender your will to a higher power. Stillness of mind and surrender are so important. People used to tell me this when I was younger and it never registered... it seemed really useless and boring to be honest. But now I understand from experience how it is the most powerful thing, way more powerful than creating thoughtforms and programming servitors and things like that. All that stuff for the most part are cheap tricks for entertaining the ego... but actually down the line they can lead to forms of psychosis.

    True power comes from surrender to the higher power, from the void, from stillness.

    Saying all that, I do minimal energy work. I do N.E.W. on my feet, legs, hips and sometimes hands and arms and I bring energy down from my head down into my feet and into the ground. That's it. Nothing else, and I don't visualise energy either.. I just feel it. I also make sure that for every 10 mintues I do of that I do about 20 minutes of void meditation / focusing on nothing but emptiness.

    *I'd like to add that if you're intent on continuing with creating thoughtforms and things like that... try and get out of your head and use positive emotions instead of thoughts.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. Re: I think I overloaded. Please advice.


    I 100% agree with you. You are right about positive emotions and surrendering to a higher power. The last few days I was off I searched for an answer spiritually and it found me. Literally, a gift from God came down from the heavens and it was given to me. Oh how humble and honored I feel. Every day I wake up and I wish to be his instrument to spread positivity to everyone around me.

    You're so right about these constructs. What started off as defending myself became motivated by "i wonder what else i can do."

    I still use the shields as a means to stay centered and composed but everything else is kind of ... small

    Thank you so much!

    and btw what does N.E.W. Stand for?

  7. Re: I think I overloaded. Please advice.

    Good stuff, I'm glad things are working out for you.

    N.E.W. stands for "New Energy Ways" which is a system Robert Bruce developed for energy body development. It's by far the best system I've come across and the only system I ever recommend to anyone interested in energy body development:

  8. Re: I think I overloaded. Please advice.

    hey, I am reading the N.e.w. excercises and well exercising them and I think the whole experience with the discomforting electrical overloading feeling i experienced was kind of an awakening of my "energy centres and pathways" of my entire body...


    "Strong sensations are, however, a very good energetic symptom. They indicate a strong energetic flow potential through the affected area."

    the affected area was every inch of my body O_o whoa

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