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Thread: About suicide

  1. #1

    About suicide

    The topic of suicide has appeared on the number of occult forums I frequently visit so I decided to write something about the topic from both mundane and occult sense. Suicide can be defined as a voluntary end of one's own existence, before we talk about the implications of such act, let's make a quick overview of common reasons.

    Reasons for suicide
    Most common reason is depression, the person thinks that no one loves him/her, no one cares for him/her, this is actually quite common for teenagers. The social background doesn't matter in this case, whether parents are abusive or careless or whether family is rich or poor, this case can still appear.

    Another reason (often mixed with the first one) is that people believe they are worthless, that they have no value in the society, no reason for living, this is also a form of depression.

    Another common reason is pain, a horrible, persistent, unbearable pain. Pain that cannot be stopped and often immobilizes the person, making him/her believe to be a burden for family which has to care about this person.

    Yet another reason was cultural, suicide to make a statement, usually by self-burning or cutting one's wrist. Tibetan monks are known to commit the burning suicide. In Europe there was a fashion called Emo, that often commited the suicide by the wrist cutting because "no one understood them", this represented a cult like mentality and fortunately this subculture came out of fashion and was significantly reduced.

    The act
    The whole act of the suicide is a very painful procedure, usually persisting of initial act of courage which cannot be taken back no matter what. What I am talking about is that one step from the building or the sliced open wrist. Victim of this act often changes the decision to commit the suicide but it's too late for it. Once you are falling down the building, once you are set afire, once your blood started flowing from your veins, there is very little you can do to stop it.

    Many people who survived their suicide attempt were happy they didn't die, during the attempt they realised was a big mistake. These cases are actually reported, so some google search might give you more information.

    Implication of suicide from mundane sense
    We all have problems, that's how it works. But no matter how unloved, unappreciated or worthless you feel, there is always someone who cares for you and by ending your own life, you will make them suffer. Suicide is actually the most mean and selfish act you can commit, it's the most cruel thing you can do to people who care about you, and trust me, there is always someone.

    If your condition makes you be dependable on others, whether your family or your partners, your death won't lift the burden, it will actually increase it. These people take care of you because their love you and your end will hurt them in the most horrible way.

    Being worthless is a state of mind, not a fact. We all make bad decisions and these decisions form what we are, but past isn't the creator of future. In future you can be what you want, in future you can achieve anything and mean a lot for many people, maybe even for whole nations. The key to success lies in presence. If you stop with the self-pity and stand up, you can achieve anything you want, you just have to do something for it. Remember, the key lies in what you do right now, at this very moment, shape your future.

    Suicide from the occult perspective
    First of all I want to make a little spoiler for sensitive people, this is where it gets nasty, so you should probably stop reading right about now.

    If, from the mundane perspective there is a belief all troubles end, it's the exact opposite in occult/mystical point of view. With a suicide all the horror actually begins, and much bigger than whatever problems you think you had. So, what exactly happens after a successful suicide?

    First of all the link between the body, the spirit and the soul will sever due to the damage you did to the body. This cannot be taken back, remember that. Next part is where you get a lot of new "friends". Astral larvae you created via the suicide, also phantoms of spirits, some lower entities and few more stuff. They all will leech you and make you suffer in the most horrible ways for ethernity. Pain you would never believe is possible, depression worst than ever, also a fear and an inability to do something about it.

    Some people will find a way to reduce these problems, by attaching those who loved them during their lives and feeding on their depressions and crying, becoming phantoms or ghouls, leeching energy from their lovers, that will be the only thing that will help them to reduce their own suffering. But the cry for someone doesn't last forever and this possibility will also fade in time, leaving just the horrors, forever, with no way out and no one to help you.

    What to do if someone can possibly commit a suicide
    If you are suspicious about someone having thoughts about suicide, don't just stand back, speak with the person and make them know you care about them, there are also suicide lines everywhere, find one closest to you and discuss this topic with them, describe what your friend does and how he acts and they will know what to do. Do everything you can to stop this from happening, after all, you can save someone's life, both physical and metaphysical.

  2. #2

    Re: About suicide

    Frater. Akenu,
    Thank you for posting this insight, and I think it is about time this information was maybe in the forefront for the occasional person who suggests this as a possibility.
    So this question is not a negative but a question I wonder what your thoughts are on.
    After reading your post I was driving with the radio on when I heard of the inquest on a CHILD who committed suicide and was found by his younger sister , in their house.
    The child was said to have been grossly neglected by the parents and had witnessed much violence between the parents.
    I didn't catch how he committed suicide , but it worked.
    This was a child.
    In my own thoughts this child I would hope would be lifted by caring spirit to the relevant place for him. He/ she had done nothing wrong, just at such a young entry into physical before growing in knowledge and how to be .. An Adult....
    Do you have any insight to add to .
    With respect Susan

  3. #3

    Re: About suicide

    This topic is very sensitive, especially regarding children. I do understand that, I myself am a parent. Loss of a young life is even worse when it comes to the realization of what comes afterwards. I don't want to talk about fairy tales to calm someone down, this is not a childhood and there is no puppy heaven. Both parents will suffer the loss of their child even with their behavior and his sister will suffer even more considering that she is now alone in the abusive family and had to witness her dead or even dying sibling, that's possibly a whole-life trauma.

    I would also advise to recall your own childhood. You were able to decide and therefore responsible for your own actions from a very young age. Even at 5 you were able to distinguish what is right or wrong, what is a lie and what are consequences of your actions, yes, in simplistic terms, but this ability was already there.

  4. #4

    Re: About suicide

    On the plus side the family might finally realize what they are doing and change their ways or a state might come in and take away the remaining child from the family so these could be considered as a lightening elements in this case and then such action could be considered as a self-sacrifice instead of a suicide. Then that would be a completely different story.

  5. #5

    Re: About suicide

    I may be getting out of my depth here so please bear with me.
    My understanding here is a possibility that depending on the cosequence of ( physical actions as to how the child's suicide is looked upon and what results after this in physical, ) Then the child spirit may receive a different experience upon death.
    In physical in my country we have an age barrier where children are not considered responsible for their own actions , therefore the parents take the wrap" up till that age.
    Is a newly born spirit child held responsible for its actions well before physical .
    Please understand if you have read any of my posts I am not one to get into any heavy discussion because I am not that well read on topics, just experience. It is rare that I find a subject I really want to follow through and get answers for, but I would respect your thoughts on this.

  6. #6

    Re: About suicide

    It's completely understandable . We also do have age limits and a new born baby certainly isn't responsible for its actions. But the intellect slowly grows and the child gets a feeling of conscience and an ability to make decisions. This is usually very soon before the age limit by law so some parents are actually abusing this, learning their children how to pickpocket, at least in my country. This makes them untouchable by law but even at this age the child is able to differentiate between a good and bad decisions.

  7. #7
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    Re: About suicide

    It's an interesting conundrum. When I was a young child I positively hated life, and the thought of suicide never even entered my mind- but of course no one taught this to me as a possibility. So I think that there are a lot of variables, including the subject's own emotional maturity.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8

    Re: About suicide

    I'm going to try to understand this from the Young person.( newly born)
    I'm here in an unknown place with slight vision coming. I feel warm and comfort. I'm looked after even though I cannt remember anything before I came here.
    As time goes on and as I interact with the people I get to know, the comfort had gone as I am now left to take in what is happening around me. I don't like it and I'm frightened. Where has the warmth gone?
    Where is that warmth I felt? My mother is violent, my father is violent, there is so much shouting and hitting . This makes me upset and cry. This is so wrong and I don't want to be here . I want to go back to where I was but I cannt remember the details , I just want to go back.
    Please tell me this kind of young soul born into such a journey that many we don't hear about are, please tell me the spirit world have been behind them the whole time and followed them therefore been for them when they found a way out.

  9. #9
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    Re: About suicide

    Dear Susan, in my humble opinion, I think in the beginning of their life- the soul still has connection to where they were between lives... I'm pretty sure the child was supported- most likely during sleep, and he or she had felt safer and better there, and wanted to "go home" since I understand why he/she felt earth wasn't much of a home to him/her... And the poor child probably heard people around talking about suicide since it's really not typical for a child to consider this seriously.
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    "By your own effort waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master." —Buddha
    I am another you. You are another me.

  10. #10

    Re: About suicide

    Yes Donto, it isn't typical for a young child to consider this . But a young child did consider this and was successful in killing itself.
    So my thoughts are. It was weak . Broken.
    Experience of life and time and knowledge builds and we become accountable for our own actions .
    But if this young life has not gained the knowledge to be able to work out the consequence of its future actions . ( is not in the know)
    Is there a point where we say .... " rough ride over, your back and safe ,or you deserve what follows because you didn't see it through.

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