I'm just popping this in here for future reference and general interest.

Over the past few months, I've noticed a very subtle but palpable change in my reality...
I've found myself doing "new" things while doing healing work with clients, sometimes involving geometric shapes or incorporating the essence of living structures, ie plants and flowers, into their energy field.

Those little "psychic" instances have become the norm for me. Thinking something a minute before someone says it, thinking of someone just before they call... Thinking of a sentence then hearing it on the radio or whatever, that sort of thing... all the time!

During "normal" waking conscious moments, in the past couple of weeks, I've noticed a shift in my perception of reality - an expansion that I can only describe as being able to feel reality, as well as see it.
It's like, I'm seeing the relative distance between objects, but I'm also getting more information beyond that, so I'm kind of feeling the distance too. It really feels like a greater awareness of the (holographic?)matrix that is our reality.
Often, when out in nature, I'm feeling/seeing other layers of reality overlapping this one... like glimpses of transparent geometric patterns overlaid and permeating this dimension of reality.

Lately I'm also feeling an intense sense of potential within myself, like I know I could literally do anything creative I turned my hand to, really well. It's like I want to be able to do everything, but there's only whatever time I have left in this lifetime to do things, so I have to try to focus on just one thing at a time, for now.
This may not make sense to anyone but me right now, but it feels like I'm able to tap into the alternate lifetimes that are happening right now, in which I am a master of whatever other pass-times I'm considering.
Almost like i can see into a dimension where I'm already doing it.
I'm going to explore this notion further.. I guess this is what Burt Goldman's Quantum Jumping is taking advantage of...

My ability to consciously project (or phase) at will, seems to be increasing. During the past few days I've had numerous instances of simply deciding I'm going to go somewhere, and then just doing it.
For example the other morning as I lay in bed, I simply visualised a landscape and held it in place in my mind's eye. It became more solid, then I decided to "go into" it, at which point I phased right into it, and developed a technique that uses landmarks within the landscape as marker points, to trigger a shift in consciousness.
As I moved forwards into the landscape, I approached the end of a lawn. I knew that when I reached the end of the lawn, I would then shift to a "higher" frequency of consciousness.
While this was happening, I was aware that this was a whole new technique for me, and that I had to share it with others, if I could only find the correct language to express it properly...(which i hope I'm managing right now?)
As I came to the end of the lawn, I then soared upwards and the landscape dissolved, and I found myself in a completely different space... After which I came back to full waking consciousness, thinking I better get onto AD to describe what had happened...

I'm sure there's more to add here, but I'm tired now so will come back to this at another time...