I know exactly what you're going through, and it's not a pleasant place to be. Nor is it (apparently) possible to come up with the solution yourself. I spent decades (literally) treading water, doing the bare minimum, starting things and then not seeing them through, feeling paralysed by an aspect that seems to be intent on some (passive/ unfathomable) form of self sabotage. Not really doing any harm, but stopping you from doing anything that seems worthwhile or productive or satisfying...

Quote Originally Posted by Saturn View Post
You say you have some ideas but you don't act on them all.
I think this has to do with fear. There's some fear deep inside of you about getting out there and being on your own and you also are afraid of letting everyone down, so you're being torn in two directions with equal force making you unable to move.
This hits one nail on the head quite hard, but there's another component that i've only just been introduced to through a very recent treatment akin to a soul-retrieval i just experienced - will (or lack of it).
I was disconnected with the energy of the Earth. My feet were blocking the natural flow of Earth energy, resulting in a lack of will, and in turn, appetite. Not only a lack of appetite for certain foods that would be beneficial, but the appetite for experiences that would encourage/promote the type of growth i was in need of experiencing.
Discovering this made so much clear to me. The blockage to forward motion was revealed.
The secret being connection to Earth energy. So i suggest grounding. Lose the shoes and get those feet onto the Earth.
Develop your connection with our beloved Gaia and take what's there in abundance. The supply never ends. <3