This is a little off the wall (I'm like that sometimes ), but try giving yourself permission to do the things you're having trouble doing.

This is a technique I have known about but used far, far too infrequently, and lately I've been using it a lot with very good success. (In my case, it's not to do with trance or projection, but the principle is exactly the same.) When you get into a light trance, gently talk to yourself, imagine an inner child or something (whatever works for you; I tend to speak to my inner child or my inner teenager, depending on the situation), or just speak to yourself as if you're looking in a mirror. Whatever works, like I said.

Anyway, gently but firmly give yourself complete permission to do X or for Y to happen. Address any feelings that come up (for example, if you feel afraid, address that with something like, "I understand that you're somewhat afraid of this, and that's okay. I acknowledge it, and it's all right to feel it. But it's okay to let it go now. Fear isn't going to help, so you can release it.") Whatever comes up, if anything, just acknowledge and address it and move on. If no particular emotion or thought comes up, that's fine, too, just work on making sure you're giving and acknowledging permission. (When we grow up, we get a LOT of negative "don't do this" "you can't do that" messages, and most of them get completely internalised. You never know what's going to be the thing that's creating a stumbling block, really.)

Again, this is very much a matter of finding what sort of self-talk works for YOU. The goal is to just release fear, limiting beliefs (including disbelief), and other random stuff that could be holding you back. It doesn't have to be a big session or anything, and you'll probably need to repeat it however many times it takes, but it's definitely worth a try.