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Thread: Your opinions about Spirituality (OPEN DISCUSSION)

  1. Your opinions about Spirituality (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    Hey everyone I'd like to get all your opinions and beliefs regarding this topic. I would like to hear everyone's side on this topic because it's an important one in my book.

    To start, I'll share my beliefs and opinions and then I'd like to hear yours and why you believe what you believe.

    To me, spirituality is something that we live everyday. It's living within the flow of the Source, or love. Our actions, words and beliefs help us to live spiritually. It is not a personal thing but something that encompasses all of humanity as a whole, regardless of if you say you live a spiritual life or not. For instance, you run into a friend who doesn't consider them self to be a spiritual person and they might ask to grab a cup of coffee with them. If drinking coffee is against your spiritual belief then you are not going to partake in getting coffee but you might still go with them to have a chat and might make an excuse as to why you don't want coffee but in reality it's because it is against your belief or spirituality. You are bringing your spirituality out into the open world for your friend to see. It is no longer something personal. If you want to live a spiritual life you live it everyday regardless of who is around, you put it out in the open for everyone to see so now everyone can comment on it just as I am doing with this post.

    For me spirituality is meant for everyone to connect with each other and help guide each other to The Source. Imagine the world if everyone had the same spiritual belief about what our purpose was here on Earth. To progress and love each other unconditionally. I believe the world has made spirituality into something personal by using religion and separating us by belief when in reality God, The Source, is not something personal but something that is open for everyone to come together and love unconditionally while we voice our ideas to each other.

    • What's everybody else's idea about this topic?
    • Do you think it would be better if we continue to live a personal spiritual life or an open spiritual life and why?

    Sorry if this was posted in the wrong section, please inform me if it is.

  2. #2
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    Re: Your opinions about Spirituality (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    21 yrs ago 'spirituality' was something i had only read about & yearned for desperately...

    9 yrs ago i had an awakening / breakdown / premature kundalini awakening & spirituality then became the 'death' space connecting to spirituality had me connecting to that space we are usually in when we are physically 'dead'

    Spirituality now for me is a term i associate with 'ideal living'
    Last edited by newfreedom; 4th May 2015 at 08:13 PM. Reason: typo
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  3. Re: Your opinions about Spirituality (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    That's a good way to put it.

    For me that's exactly how I feel too but the "ideal way of living" is completely different for people who truly are awakened and others who are not.

  4. #4
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    Re: Your opinions about Spirituality (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    Quote Originally Posted by ctcarr View Post
    That's a good way to put it.

    For me that's exactly how I feel too but the "ideal way of living" is completely different for people who truly are awakened and others who are not.
    Ok, i don't know, i only know what feels 'good' / 'right' for me
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  5. #5
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    Re: Your opinions about Spirituality (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    I've always felt that I was 'spiritual', not necessarily because of any specific belief, but because of a deep down certainty that I was here as part of something. And this 'knowing' always had me checking in with 'it' regardless of what happened in my life. This is very hard for me to explain or describe. To me spirituality is not living under certain rules, but knowing that rules are what we use to direct our lives according to this inner knowing that (I feel) we all have.
    The things that I have come to believe have come after this 'knowing', and I have labeled them as being a physical being in a physical universe would, in context.
    Wow that was difficult and I don't even think I expressed that correctly.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. Re: Your opinions about Spirituality (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    I don't know what spirituality is exactly. I can note a few characteristics, but I don't have a complete answer. One way of learning it is by finding what it isn't - through subtraction. This feels like a process, one which requires acceptance of it to follow. In order to follow it, it requires surrendering, but you're not giving up or giving in to someone/something else. There is a sense of being guided, but by an inner knowing innate to yourself, so "guide" and "surrender" don't mean what they usually mean. This "inner knowing" also isn't logical, as I'm not receiving recitable knowledge. I'm learning things as I go from experience, yet the things I learn don't feel new to me. Logic can try to capture the meanings and explain them in words, yet they can only truly be understood through experience. To teach these things one's better off teaching methods of arriving there. Words can point, but never truly capture. Ideas like morality become active emotional processes, which correct the inflexibility of ideas when in real life application. Connotations of ideas become immediately apparent and felt, allowing for better judgement. The intentions of people become easy to read. It goes on.

    There is one thing I can say. "Spirituality," if it's what I'm thinking it is, leads to higher quality in everything. When applied to ethics, the difficult problems disappear. When applied to people, they become much easier to understand. When applied to art, people are challenged and left better by it. For me, spirituality is a pathless path leading to greater things wherever it goes.

    The logical side of me hates writing so disorganized, since it's confusing for the reader. Paradoxically, the logical side also knows that constraining ideas that are by nature non-linear makes the ideas even more confusing.

  7. Re: Your opinions about Spirituality (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    @newfreedom do you think someone who is not awakened to the world and it's problems would have the same ideal life as someone who is? A celebs ideal life is not going to be the same as a monks ideal life.

    @CFT I know exactly what you mean. I would always try to shy away from it and produce music but in the end i always had something deep down telling me that I can make my life so much more useful then just producing music and traveling the world partying in a club my whole life. And after I realized that that scene was just as fake as everything else in this world I came to realize truly what I now believe and hold close.

    @DerFust I get you. it's not that you have to surrender but more or less you want to because you know you can be better. I like the way you put that too. spirituality makes things better, no matter what it is. And don't worry I'm use to the unorganized writing of my own. The paradoxes within the world are great when you understand how they coincide with eachother, i love them.

    thanks to all you guys for the replies. Ever since I rejoined the forum I have been talking with a lot of people who I feel are very much the same as me and I'm grateful for that. One of my goals was to make more meaningful connections and friendships with people of like minds and I feel I have made many already. Thank you guys

  8. #8
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    Re: Your opinions about Spirituality (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    Hi everyone,

    I have my this whole life as an example to go back to if I start to doubt about the importance of spirituality.
    My computer is acting strange. I will write in word and pastle into this thread....brb

    Well, here I go J

    When thinking back of my life and what has happened I todaycan see the deeper reason to why it happened. I can see my own part and also why I had to meet sertain persons.
    I know today the lesson of ACIM for today´s lesson nr 45 ”God is the Mind with which I think.” and also ”My real thouhgs are in my mind. I would like to find them.”
    I have worked hard to find them and I can say I have, and there are more to find of course.
    When I was just an ifant I do have a state I call ”vacum”this has happened to me already in my mother womb…and next as I found was when I was in age of 7-8 months age…this ”vacum” feeling has occured many time´s in my life, and when I started to work with memories of my life I did found back to this ”vacum” feeling and now I could sort it out as an adult…and I was able to go back to these occations and look to this happening…seeing myself in the cradle, my mother sitting looking out of the window it was summer, I could feel the atmosphere and smell and hear and know I was that infant in the cradle, me looking at mother and lifting my shoulders up for her to pick me up, but she schook her head and said quietly…I am here, try to sleep. I asked my mother if she remembers this and she did,and told me that she was waiting for father to come home, it was middle of the night and summer so it was bright still becasue it was summer. …When I have told ”experts” they say it is impossible for me to remember…so I stopped to tell about my experiences and ”findings”.
    I could go on for ever, so I just say…My happiness was made totally when I found this site and Robert Bruces teachings, I was nearly to loose my faith and was nearly to let go, and that would have taken me to the afterlife and this incarnations ending…but it was not meant for me yet to go….and you can guess what experience I did get by this time….Yes, the divider-line experience….

    I find ACIM very improtant to me because it is very much asI see things too, and the teaching´s of Jesus Christ is very improtant to me…notas Churches many times tell, but as I did experience some of the writings inthe Big Book….like….I am not in any buildings….that I have understood ..he didnot come here to start an religion, but to free us.

    Much love to everyone and all.
    Last edited by IA56; 5th May 2015 at 06:57 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. Re: Your opinions about Spirituality (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    I look forward to hearing

  10. #10
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    Re: Your opinions about Spirituality (OPEN DISCUSSION)

    Quote Originally Posted by ctcarr View Post
    @newfreedom do you think someone who is not awakened to the world and it's problems would have the same ideal life as someone who is? A celebs ideal life is not going to be the same as a monks ideal life.
    Do you mean someone who is not 'feeling' / aware of the impact of trauma within this world on themselves as opposed to someone who is ?

    if so, i guess their only differences would be where they focus their attentions & what they choose to do while here

    Don't think this Earth simulation plan is set-up for anyone to achieve an ideal life here, least not yet anyway, all we can do is our BEST while we are here xx

    i hear the music lyrics now to a pop song ~'round & round we GO--oOh' from a remixed version of Rhythm is a Dancer
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

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