Greetings all

Have been busy lately so please excuse the gap in replying to previous posts in this thread.

Yes indeed you did expound on the 4 types of universes and I had simply overlooked it.
The original MWI as conceived by Everett in the 1950s (and still embraced by many 'mainstream' QM scientists) is indeed based on observations of quantum states. Later, altered versions of MWI involved the notion that the universe can actually replicate itself based on the decisions and actions of individuals. This theory is usually called multi-mind theory (or math Sums over History Theory ???). It is to this latter theory to which I was referring in my opinion regarding the possibility of time travel.
And, Yes, you are correct in asserting the QM is Not yet understood. Even Einstein was a disbeliever and said the "God does not play dice with the universe" (meaning that QM was too random a theory to be taken seriously.)
So scientists have yet to understand how quantum entanglement works or explain how subatomic particles can pop in and out of a particular area of space and then reappear on the other side of the galaxy. If any of this is true then it does indeed violate the speed of light limitation. Yet so far this remains a Big mystery.
