Thanks for the info. After having tested it bit I can see the potential benefits but I have been finding myself distracted by too many things. Bugs crawling on me, lots of noises etc... I like the idea in theory but i just found I have to keep breaking my altered state because an ant is tickling my leg as it traverses hair. For now I'm going to stick to the bedroom. I have some earthing sheets on order.

im on a five week break now between jobs and besides heading to TMI for a program I am devoting most of my time to energy work and being in nature. So far I have been doing nearly five hours a day split into two sessions. One three hour and a two hour hour. I was wondering whether you think it more productive to do just one long session or split it up like I have been doing. I'm questioning my current routine because every time I settle down I feel like it takes me a lot of preliminary time to get going whereas if I did it as one big block I maximise my energy work in an altered state. Seems logical to me but just wondered what you thought best.

Also, while I have your ear I wondered if I could get your take on doing energy work in the vibrational state. I tried doing work on my root chakra recently during vibrations and it instantly started buzzing like a motor much like the heart chakra does sometimes before exit. Could this be the ultimate fast track to awakening the chakras and eventually kundalini?
