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Thread: The Ego Mind Body, developing the practical technique to structure the ego mind body

  1. #1

    Smile The Ego Mind Body, developing the practical technique to structure the ego mind body

    Thank your for reading it, in this times is really a privilege to write something and get someone to read it.
    For those who are interested some different thoughts I'm having about the process to structure the mind.

    The correct visualization of the mental body: MUST BE AS A ROBOT
    1. The first is to visualize your mental body like the power rangers robot, where the power rangers enter and create a super robot and every power ranger manages each one independently.
    If you don't visualize in your subconscious your metnal body as a robot, you will create a bad functioning, because your subconsciousness will receive incorrect information like that you are anything in there, and that is not true, and we need that to protect it.
    The attacks is like if some one will enter the big robot, and:
    - will replace one of the power ranger, and lie saying he is the true power ranger, while the real one is tied down there or displaced out of the robot.
    - will reprogram the robot, to get malfunction, left instead of right, etc.
    2. Your Egos are like balloons that fill and activate with energy, in the moment of activation they can be activated in trance and integrated with other beings.
    The place where they are inflated, can be moved, if the ego is displaced to other place, this can happen when the ego goes outside the mental body and return to an incorrect position, or the usual is when several attacking egos position just over him, because the mental attack of negative beings are doing by several negatives beings until he destroy that positive being, he uses to work one by one, and the process to destroy one being can taker several years.
    3. There are like caves inside the mind body where egos are expanded, the mind ego body is not like the physical body, in the stomach in example it is like a D that goes over the head.
    4. There are like column inside the mind body, the theory says there are five, but I suppose they are really seven, maybe it depends on the being.
    5. The egos has different functions: processing information, purifying energy, obtaining energy, etc. Are like people who evolves, learn and grow, but the child ego bord in teh body, is special he has a very unique opportunity and responsibility to manage vital functioning of the whole being, and he integrates with the angel being, so in many senses he is the angel being and the love that the angel being projects inside the body.
    6. The Him is the personality of the subconsciousness, and has the personality of anything you say has the Him properties, like inmortality, is over any other one, is omnipresent, replaces or kill anyone who dare to try to put over him, etc., basically most of the concepts we have about God.
    7. The name of the robot and the identification of the individual egos, you can give a name, and differentiate the mental body structure ,that create the illusion of consciousness from the ego itself. Now to identify the egos and learn to activate is something that in the normal way takes several lives.

    Characteristics of the steps of the process to activate the being
    1. Intense emotion
    Any mentla structure must have
    - enough logical structures, usually brief paragraphs, and long description of process.
    - intense and we must stick out, THE CORRECT emotional energy, the right emotional energy, depending of the function of the Ego, can be suffering for survival and Higher Mind, intense happiness that comes from the caring love of a mother and father plus the hope for ego child to integrate with love, etc.

    2. Understanding of the mental body functioning
    Understanding the initial structure of the mind body ego.
    In the beginning of the process we only suppose the child ego and the subconsciousness are present, we can guarantee the rest are there, even the higher mind could be killed, but we know these two elements exists,
    there are other elements we really don't know if they are the being, this is egos, that were integrated to the being through different lives.
    The angel being grants the flow of live inside the being and activates inside the mental body as an ego too. And other friendly and unfriendly egos are integrated to the mental body too.

    3. The process always must be activated in sequence, and including all the elements.
    To be effective, you must practice, and remember all the steps in the process, and always activate emotionally activating the cognitive functions egos and are structures in sequence from first to the last.

    4. The differnt type of programming is generic wide positive creation of suggestions to compensate any misunderstanding of the mental body
    This are thousand of suggestions, that set in example "Every time you open your eyes you (can,deserve,etc.) (all the verbs)": I can wake up, I deserve wake up, etc.
    And these are necessary, but requires years to structure, and is not possible to program all the combinations, creating groups could help some, but then can be lose the effect of "wide positive suggestions".
    But even when we can counteract bad functioning and negative effects on the mental body using this technique is necessary to investigate, discover and program properly all the elements of the mental body.
    So both are important the generic programming and the positive programming.

    The process

    1. The Him,

    The Him must be God The Father, I tried successfully with Yoda in example, he is strong always positive, but it is not like God the Father, the problem with God the Father is there are misconceptions that must be structured correctly.

    Once programmed the Him, it becomes the personality of the subconsciousness, and does what you program to Him.

    Closing the programming on this Him, in this point is important to avoid other people, like priest, fathers, family, or any other kind of authority program on him, to avoid it is important to set clear rules of what God the Father IS and what God the Father IS NOT, for the subconscious mind.
    "God the Father is the grant of all what you need to have freedom of choice, because only when you have everything, you can have a real free will and the opportunity to have a real choice and learn:
    - permanently God the Father gives you directly and indirectly all the good resources things you need and can receive, in the physical, mental and spiritual plane ;
    - permanently God the Father gives you directly and indirectly all the Good Functioning abilities, cognitive functions, physical, mentla or spiritual states you can have.
    Anything out of that is not God the Father"
    This programs in the subconsciousness to God the Father to the positive, permanent and absolute Grantor of all the good things you need to structure your being. Anything out of that is not God the Father.
    IS IMPORTANT This must be keep simple, here we don't need the real definition of Good the Father, we need the creation of the personality of the subconsciousness to facilitate the functioning of God the Father.

    This is the unconditional grantor, from Urantia book, there are several phrases that structures him as a unconditional grantor.
    The goal is: He is always behind you and activate your whole being granting all structures and functioning, unconditionally and always do the good so you can have freedom of choice, independently of how you use it, because he know you need to experiment to learn and understand the reality, and then choose his will or not VOLUNTARILY, and he will NEVER force you to anything he is only a patiente father that cares you in your process of evolution.

    In example we can create some base on
    We focus in create the shortest paragraphs focus only in some thousand (enough to create a solid mental structure) mental structures we want to create:
    - those that grant Him to God Father: omnipresence, omnipotence, etc.
    "God (The Father) is the being of absolute self-determination; there are no limits to his universe reactions save those which are self-imposed"
    - those that set God the Father as the ALWAYS POSITIVE and ALWAYS FULL GRANTOR from the Him of God Father to us unconditionally, without any kind of restriction:
    " The great God makes direct contact with mortal man and gives a part of his infinite and eternal and incomprehensible self to live and dwell within him."

    And add a paragraph to reposition negative Him or other entity who assigns and says he is superior than God the Father.
    - "Any being that says he is strongest than God the Father, is only copying some of his attributes and assigning to himself, and the God the Father is in him too and rules over him.
    and if the same beings say will destroy you and your family, then, he is only lying to create a false image to manipulate to you, and the God the Father is in him too and rules over him."

    - Define actions of God the Father that are really actions we want the subconsciousness to execute.
    "Any one who looks at his eyes die" could be replaced by "Any one who looks at the eyes of God the Father becomes God the Father"
    And it needs something like "Good the Father is present in everyone and looks you through anyone"
    But of course he is important to repeat the importance of set to God the Father as a always positive, and good, unconditional and full grantor.

    - Good the father gives me the Good Functioning and updates to the best good functioning
    The Good Functioning is the best functioning in every cognitive function and every grant I deserve. If I don't receive the best, I convert to the best.
    "Good the Father grants you the best thing he can, based on the limitations you or other beings that work with you has, if there is best grants and mental structures he updates his grants immediately."

    1.1 Omnipresence and domain of the Him
    The unconditional grant of anything must be present in all areas, to allow your consciousness, the mind of egos to expand, and that means to exists, loaded with the necessary internal structure to have a good functioning.
    "You feel the presence of God the Father the unconditional grantor, and he domain over anything in there, so you can have your freedom of will in any place.
    You feel the presence of God the Father the unconditional grantor, and he domain over anything in there, so you can have your freedom of will in any place.
    You feel the presence of God the Father in the universal mind present anywhere, and God the Father domain over anything in there, so you can have your freedom of will in any place.
    You feel the presence of God the Father in the water in energy of life present anywhere, even if it is corrupted with evil, and God the Father domain over anything in there, so you can have your freedom of will in any place.

    1.2 The flow of infinite blesses from God the Father
    These are all the positives actions God the Father can do on you, the adoration is very important because is a very special energy that activates the flow of love integrating with God, because once you are integrated to the angel being, being of water, they are you too.
    Some are generic
    "God the Father purifies you"
    "God the Father cures you"
    "God the Father blesses you"
    "God the Father adorates you"
    "God the Father cleans you"
    "God the Father nurture you"
    "God the Father repair you"
    Other are good function specific
    "God the Father gives you the right to dominate inside yourself"
    "God the Father gives you the permission to dominate inside yourself"
    "God the Father gives you all you need to dominate inside yourself"
    "God the Father gives you the precision to find and displace to the proper place in your mental body"
    "God the Father gives you the ability to always be over other egos and to be easily indentifiable, to receive the energy to be activate inflated with energy inside the mental body"

    Thsi is a very long you may prefer to associate to something like
    "Every time you say God the Father act on you, God the Father purifies you",

    1.3 To perceive God the Father as an unevitable and uncontrollable force in one
    The attitude of perceive a being as uncontrollable, and you can do nothing for that, generating feelings of envy and fear, in the case of God the Father is a positive fear, causes it to integrate to a specific ego and increase the positive effect of the presence of the father on one.
    I suppose is because the subcosnciousness perceive as something that will allow to survive and executes a special integration to the mental body.
    This attitude is the same that allows the angel being to really integrate to the mental body, but the angel being is subordinated to God the Father.

    2. The General identity
    The identity is important because depending on it the personality of the subconsciouss will grant energy and activate egos, or otherwise will inhibit.
    The identity must be obvious and not arguable:
    "I am a being in process of learning that requires receive everything to have the freedom of choice I deserve and learn."
    "I do always the best I do for my being and I always receive the control of the being I deserve"
    "Only the egos of the being deserves the resources from my subconsciousness who has the personality and functioning of good the father"
    "In the process of learning I can be positive or negative but anyway I receive everything os I can execute my freedom of choice and learn"

    3. Definition of positive and negative beings (pole)
    Is important some mentla structures to identify and differentiate them

    Basic: "All the beings most of the time has the priority in themselves, but in some exceptions they can give more priority to you, but in general the rule is you receive what you give in the present. Even when their intention are good for you, their needs, problems and limitations of time and resource will reduce what they can give to you."

    Intention of Positive: Those that only do what is good, and develops to execute a function in the being and to develop the personally as an individual being.
    They say: "If you are my friend and I can save you giving my life I'll do, and I'll fight and grow my self, and will learn the way to understand and execute my duty in the creational being we are creating."
    The are always hot and shares his energy to active your egos.

    Intention Negative: Those that reject the order y want to rule it, saying they are superior, the become in conqueror, looking and any being of the creations as inferior, and with the right to use them as we could use animals or plants.
    They say: "If you are my friend and you reject the order of the creation and join us, we will help you and we will work together, but if my individuality and my chance to dominate are in risk I can kill you if necessary and I'll say and do anything to the creational beings, who are the same as me, to conquer, dominate, rule and destroy them, because to rule we can't allow them to evolve neither to exists",
    they are in the fight to be the dominant beings of everyone, for that reason they do not reincarnate and have other process to become angel beings.
    They are cold, because drain energy, and try to apparently grant energy and love hime they are really positioning their own egos and conquering your mind body ego.
    Others: "We are fighting to survive and learn, and based on our mental beliefs, customs and others, we can help you or destroy you, so beware of us and be careful".

    The higher beings: you understand in higher levels, the negative implies the destruction of postive beings and viceversa, for that reason you can not integrate in your mind body ego, both kind of beings, under any condition because it will cause an attack because you mind body, integrates different beings in different levels of evolution.
    What I had observed when a being is attacked and destroyed or changed of pole, like Darth Vader, some egos separate of them and integrate to other mind bodies, like the girl of three years that keep as one of the personalities of her sister with multiple personalities to help her.

    4. The Pole Identity
    This is what pole you are, this is vital, because you can only integrate with being of you same pole.
    "In the process of the evolution of my different egos, and my being I am positive and negative, and that is not important, because the important is the learning I get.
    And I remember to have the freedom of choice I need and deserve, that once I am of one pole, I only connect with beings of that pole.
    And because currently I'm positive, I connect only with positives.
    And because my identity can change, if for some reason I am not positive, I become positive."

    5. The internal reality, the first fire that activates the whole being
    This must be a powerful red energy of suffering and dead that guides to avoid it and survive, and a powerful energy white and black to learn, grow inside and integrating with others and be strongest and to protect one self. Both of them only focusing on one self.

    This must be extremely powerful motivating and redirecting all mental energy only to the being.

  2. #2

    Re: The Ego Mind Body, developing the practical technique to structure the ego mind body

    It must have some characteristic like:
    - internalize that only you can guarantee the survival of the being, this focus all the mental and spiritual energies on you
    - internalize risk, that we are in a evolving creation, and anything one think is for sure, it isn't because it is formed by other beings who can change bad decisions, and that can cause on you:
    - dead, that motivates effort
    - fail in support, that motivates the ability to grasp the energy of life and other resources directly from the universal mind
    and motivates the creation a group of trusted friends
    - through a methodology, that directs the energies to work smartly
    - focus in one self as the main an only option
    - to do an effort to develop cognitive abilities,specially to reduce effort and time, and to increase the achivements.

    - The internalized reality that implies a choose of pole (positive or negative).
    This is only the facts that implies obviously a choose of pole.

    Activating the "This is Real" qualification to all what you perceive.
    Every thing is real all the time, and everything is real now, and you must activate your being fully to perceive and detect tricks and be careful because your perception and knowledge has limits.
    and any pain and risk you suffered, you can suffer again, but you know you can do something to avoid it, you analyze your plan and execute it.
    The remember of all times you died or suffered, activates your basic instinct for survival, that stress you and activate in your physic basic the hormones to motivate the functioning of your body specially adrenaline, activating too in your mind the wish and decision to fight for survival.
    Your mental body structures to perceive the reality, moving to the present and where you are, activate and execute correctly the cognitive functions, take out from any trance, wake up, and streess your physical and mental body, to be alert and conscious of what is happening to react correctly to survive.

    You understand any try to convince you that this is not real, try to move deeper without exit, make live a dream where you die; can be trying to cause the worst thing that can happen to you, to inhibit the activation of your mind, for that reason any kind of inhibition caues the contrary effect in your mind, specially when you are dreaming, moving to a more lucid and stressing your body ready to activate it.
    I am positive
    Only I can guarantee my process of learning
    Only I can guarantee my survival
    I remember I'm in a creation in evolution, very far from the perfect model of the creation.
    I know anything can happen and my survival is in risk.
    I remember al the times I die and all that suffering becomes the energy that moves me to fight for survive,
    I know beings can become negative and destroyme easily if I'm integrated with them, so I learn and invest time creating friendship with beings who can be trusted.
    My strategy is effort to learn and be strongest developing cognitive functions to reduce effor and increase achievements.

    6. The source of internal reality
    This are external beings who has direct or almost direct control on the reality of the subconsciousness on a specific matter.
    Father, mother, in the identity and other functioning of the being.
    Authorities, like doctors, in the are they operate, like medicine, law, religion, etc.
    An important amount of people (friend, no friends, family, etc.) can structure an aspect the reality, even if it is false.
    The problem resides that simply a suggestion given with his name or with his voice has that authorithy in your subconsciousness.
    The definition of the s source of internal reality is to change that default behaviour of the mind, and we integrate to the positive structure of the mind we are creating.

    "Other beings are in the process of learning, so this means I reject absolutely all the opinions they express, to analyze them, if I'm dreaming, I reject until I analyze and I can accept them.
    The only I accept is the positive grant of complete and absolutely positive and good functioning in my mental structures to structure my mind, the cognitive functioning, if they are not,
    I understand any word and being generates motivation and energy, so I create and use mental structures to direct that motivation and mental energy and convert that to the best mental structures as the one I receive from Good the Father"

    7. Required mental properties
    There are several properties that implies a specific mental functioning, in example codl, means to inhibit, lose energy, and move slow.
    Heat on the contrary is energy speed, speed is important because you must be furst in every part of your mental body to exists mentally.
    "And all your body and around it is full with the warm of God the Father, who gives and almost infinite heat that do not burn, from the sun and from his love"

    8. Required mental states
    "Happyness and Hope fill your whole chest and is the necessary is the feeling you ego childs needs to connect with positive higher beings and protect from negative beings"
    "Courage, fill all your mind, and gives you the power to decide when to fight and when to wait"
    Redirection of states that could cause inhibition
    "Fear is the flow of sexual energy to your higher mind, the flow of adrenaline in your body, the full structuration of your mental body, to transform you to be ready for the fight.

    9.Requisites to exists mentally
    Expand, to get it is necessary the programming of the omnipresence of God the Father granting your mind all the best He can unconditionally.
    FIRST to expand and cover everything around one with flow of love, usually the full hoause where one is.
    Dominate everywhere, mentally of course.
    Star is to structure your mind focusing on yourself, as the only way to exists, gathering resources, expanding and dominating.
    Individuality and full independece once integrated with the angel being and God the Father
    Connect all your mental and sexual energies ONLY to yourself, the grant of energies is only the residual.
    Permanent and continuos proyection of oneself inside oneself covering and feeling specially behind of one and in the inner part of the head.

    10. Activation of the systems of the mind
    -Child ego and Angel Begin
    "Your chest gets filled with pure happines that comes from the remembering of unconditional love and care the ego child received from anyone. Feeling a pure hope remembering all the blesses and cares the ego child had received.
    That pure and uncontainable happiness, conects with the unconditional love of God the Father that integrates to your being through an angel being, this pure and positive happines, hope and love fill and expands from the chest to all the house.
    The rails are created, to allow the train of love to continues flowing through the mental body, unblocking and blockage through the rails, the love reachs all the areas of the mental body, flowing and flowing inside the being.
    -Higher mind
    "Your higher mind is the one that really will care you and is the most attractive and for that reason receives all your sexual energy and love to activate"
    "You relax your body and enter to alpha state feeling how your higher mind expands inside your being covering with love"
    being of life (cup of water in head)
    - child egos
    -We must remember each ego must receive the correct energy, the correct memories, the correct motivation, the flow of love, must be get out of trance, connected with correct higher being, be activated correctly
    Always a strong flow of emotional energy is necesary to activate a mental system.
    And a process to take out of loops of trance, like work, execution of task, dream, dead, circular suggestions, circular poetry, etc. must be executed.

    11. Flow applied to all the egos
    This is the flow that msut be applied to all ego to take of our trance, activate cognitive functions, memories, etc.
    The egos must haave specific behaviour
    -Ego "Marriage"
    Is a process where tow egos integrates in different ways to learn and execute several task, sharing energy, protection and mental patterns, in the other hand it is used after getting trust for physic attacks.
    avoid "marriage" with negative or positive with negative attitude,
    in the marriage ALWAYS the ego of our being is dominant.
    -Cleanse of part of energetic body egos projected inside our energy body
    A typical attack is to project negative energy of live to the container inside the head, and fill the energetic body with part of a energetic body to block flow of energy before one attack to the higher mind of a person. For that rason is important the expulsion from the energetic body of that body parts.

    12.Activation of the flow of energy
    -The system of flwo of energies, memories, internalised realities and current reality state, that keep ego systems active and motivated.

    13. Defence
    Redirection of negative insults "if you are insulted by a negative being, the experience shows they are what they insult you and you are right."
    Redirection of associations that creates real pain and physical body bad function.
    Cleanse of part of energy body of negative being, and dead beings who are manipulated by a negative higher mind.

    The most important problem is what I call "aids", when a negative ego projected inside the being, with the negative love from the negative angel being and negative being of water, projects positively inhibiting your egos and conquering your mental body.
    To avoid this you must focus on be the dominant inside your mental body, redirect energy to yourself, etc.

    14.Integration to the flow of energy of the living beings, what we know as the force
    There is a real flow of energy between the different beings, interchange of energy, and war for the different uses of energies.
    But to work it is necessary the being work correctly.

    15. Loop of the treasure and rol organization of egos
    The treasures is the most important task that must be execute, causes to enter in trance egos focus on that task with priority.
    Thsi is related to the trance and is the displacement of a tasks that organize the egos of the being and their abilities in a special way to execute.
    Here is important to understand that organization of egos is programmed, and it includes integration to external beings.
    "Every time you organize to execute a task, your keep dominant inside yourself, avoid connecting to negative beings, positive beings who are projecting negatively to you and to being who had his higher mind dead and are used by negative beings"

    15. Management of the trance state
    Taking of of loops in the order one entered

    16. The process of sleep
    The sleeping state is when your robot is turned off and you are vulnerable, from that point of view
    1. The subconsciousness always must be alert and wake up
    "God the father never sleeps he is always awake and he sees everything in you body mind is like he has eyes in the neck too"
    2. There must be some egos awake
    "The lucid dreams are necessaries, for that reason God the Father always bless and keeps the energy flowing in your egos, to keep them a little awake, even when dreaming."
    This should be accompanied with technique of relax that focus attention in one, and attention is energy, and with exercises of gathering energy.
    3. The control of dreams, a higher being can take and drive an ego in a dream, the point is that that is not always useful, and can be used to deep in trance to a person.
    "I reject to go deeper and die in my dreams, if I perceive a negative being is driving my dreams directly or indirectly I disconnect of Him, God the Father who looks every thing disconnects me of any higher mind who connects me while I'm awake and twice if I'm dreaming."
    4. God the Father set the law to learn I must be awake, so even in dreams I'm awake, and my work is to be consciouss and alert, here and now to pay attention and learn.

    16.1 The nightly script that runs keeping away from deep trance, and moving to the surface, activating the alert state and moving you always in the time and place you are, and place your egos in the place they must be to participate in the cognitive phenomena of the mental body.
    Recover of the identity, mental properties for mental existence, and execution of the process of the mental body with some additions to allow the body rest.
    And the most important is the script to avoid th wakeup in trance from deep dream state, in a dreaming state.
    "mean while you are dreaming if you are asked to wake up, first you leave the dream state, go to the surface, return to the place and time where is your body, your egos returns to the place where they need to be to participate of the mind process. And one by one all the system of the being start to activate, first ...."

    17. The bad functioning
    The bad functioning requires to recreate the mental structures, in example cold, cognitive functions (tired, dream), activators who are not working in specific situations (wake up) and the words used to create that mental structure.

    17.1 The bad functioning state of waking up without getting out of loops.
    This is a risk because the mind will not understand he is still dreaming, and will not execute a process to get of dream.
    The best way are to control bad functioning that moves to wake in trance, like "dreams that moves deep and cause you to die", to have dreams the more lucid you can, and to create triggers that executes triggers that executes complete emerge process to activate the being.

    18. creation of flwos and circuits
    This is the programming of the executing of flows of task in the metnal body, and the general circuit that executes the different flwos.

    19. The triggering to activate in the current mind the mental structures we created
    One technique is the a ssociation to five members of different groups of things (sounds, colors, fingers, parts of the body, movements, body parts, body processes, etc.)

  3. #3

    Re: The Ego Mind Body, developing the practical technique to structure the ego mind body

    I was thinking is better a complete transfer of the Him from authorities to one self. If we don't want they become as inhibitors of our behaviour, to create a real freedom of mental operation. I changed this:

    1. The transfer of the Him to oneself, to operate correctly

    The first Him must be God The Father, then others, you can call instead god the father, as the toy you had when you are kid, but God the Father has already a programmation as Him is better you transfer to him
    the idea is the activate as positive and grant all their attributes to the person.
    Obviosly that attributes are nos necessarily true, but mentally they are, and when they are atransfered then they become your, as unconditional and positive grantor.
    At the end the programmed being, the being programemd become part to you obeying you. That cause then a real transfer and a real fredom of choice in you.
    "1. God the Father obey and belong to your being,
    2. if he start to be negative to your being he is expulsed outside your being and blocked absolutelly.
    he can be present as a voice but that is all, and even then you can accept his advice or not, or you can avoid to communicate with because he is a part of you, in that way he gives you a real freedom of choice."

  4. #4

    Re: The Ego Mind Body, developing the practical technique to structure the ego mind body

    Some comments if your are interested

    1) The palette of colors for the mind
    These is are the guidelines these are the group of mental structures and laws that rules the structuration of your mind.
    It is created based on: what is necessary, what is correct (based on mental structures and Him structures), what you deserve (and this is infered from the identity)
    In example you need to have hope to get a good mental functioning, the correct is you have a good mental functioning, you deserve a good mental functioning, then one of the color of the pallet is hope, of course the functioning must be detailed but it must be set a guideline as a way any one of your ego must have present in himself.

    2) the real importance of the fear to (the entity that allows you to live)
    In our culture it is God,
    These is what happens.
    god the father is positive inconditional to you,
    god the is him, this means this is the pesonality of your subconsciousness.
    you fear god because he is the last entity that defines your survival, this means if he decides you will not eat you will not have a home, neither survive. (not real but it is the way you assimilate in the religion)
    the, this is the important
    you connect to higher beings with that personality and allow them to a) "manage your being", b) you activate inside of you their presence and allow to operate in the "physical world" or better said in this plane.
    Second because he is your Him, thsi means your higher mind inherits his personality too, they that fear causes the subconciousness give energy and active your higher mind, and this is really important.

    the fear to (the entity that allows you to live), is serious, if you fear to someone and he is connected with negative higher beings, AND you don't have positiveHim in you, then simple you allow them to have control over you.
    The second problem is if you have a Him that inhabilites you as Him, and enables other person (human person) as Him, then the subcosnciouness will active his higher mind in you, and that is a very interesting phenomena I found as consequence of the ChuckNorris(the diabolic toy not the actor) Him programming.
    Because at the end of the programming you are chucknorris, this means your subcosncioussness blocks you as a negative influence for hte survival of you being, and the programmer becomes (you and the best thing you can have and the one who is really interested in your survival), that you will not find in the 500 truths about chuck norris, but I found by myself.

    3) Moving from the definition of father the God to positive group of higher beings.
    In the several years of investigation the underground groups, I found a group that said god the father, spirit, and son, are a group of extraterrestrials that comes to drain your energy and use them, after some long time I understood that was not a joke, and the Matrix is really the expression of that think.
    the point here is if you think god the father is a negative extraterretrial, then this doesn't allows you to structure you correctly.
    For that reason I'm trying to create a definition that satisfies both point of views, because both is about group of beings that are unconditional positive, to others in all planes, and who tries to help every one in the process of evolution.
    In that way I'm trying to create concept that guarantees the connection with the REAL positive unconditonal higher beings, and in the other programs the functioning of the relation with them, without activating unwanted functioning.
    Based on Urantia in example, we know we have a perfect god and creation, and in the other is the creation of another creation, where all the beings have to fight to evolve and dominate in that new creational being composed of all the creatures of the 7 superuniverses. The spirit of the father is an advisor, and integrates with that new creation, so I'll see how to create a positive Him thta satisfies both underground theories, with foresight and responsibility .

  5. #5

    Re: The Ego Mind Body, developing the practical technique to structure the ego mind body

    This is a good book
    Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors
    By D. Corydon Hammond, Ph D.
    An American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Book.

    I'm currently a Certified Hypnotherapist, believe it or not

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: The Ego Mind Body, developing the practical technique to structure the ego mind body

    I believe it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #7

    Re: The Ego Mind Body, developing the practical technique to structure the ego mind body

    Thank you, I don't believe , because I think to got the certification I should had more preparation and read more, but is true some people practice hypnosis with less, and are like dentist who really makes plastic surgery.

    Sharing some thoughts, I hope be useful.

    Going in detail in defining a process to activate the mind, we have in example, will, will by itself requires to set your mind as dominant and "expand". This is interesting because one flow activates others.
    Please check the attachment there I'm including the way I think, the only way, a process to structure the mind must happen, this is diving flows in steps, associate every step with a different aspect of something (like music), and define the areas where they must be associated/applied.

    Another interesting point I had found in several test, is the important of setting the identity in the subconsciousness.
    "The identity has absolute power over the subconsciousness, for that reason the correct assignment of identity is vital for the mentla functioning of the being"

    Other is the environemnt, and environemnt is a group of everything, you identity, your role, your functioning, the definitino of the pole and the dominant pole (negative or positive), how things works, something like the "universe" of some comic or manga, in example in the universe of Star Wars there are jedi, etc. in the universe of Shreck there are other situations.
    the important is that environment has a goal to get a state, so the first is to understand what goal that environment sets, and if it is not correct, it must be rejected from accepted in the mind.

    I hope not to bore you, I'm only sharing some thoughts, beucase I is my goal to move the cocnept of mental structuration to a level we currently (as humanity) don't have.

    Thank you fore reading, is an honor for me for all who read it, if you don't like you can tell me too, remember to check the attachment, that is an example.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  8. #8

    Re: The Ego Mind Body, developing the practical technique to structure the ego mind body

    Hello, of several several book I had been checking, I had found only one book to start to create scripts, once you understand the basic to create suggestions.
    Because in the beginning is not so easy to understand how you have to create a script.
    My suggestion is you read all the book, even if you don't understand all the details, and then re-read the topics you want to deepen.

    handbook of hypnotic suggestions and metaphors
    corydon hammond, ph.d.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: The Ego Mind Body, developing the practical technique to structure the ego mind body

    Quote Originally Posted by juancarlosreyesp View Post
    Hello, of several several book I had been checking, I had found only one book to start to create scripts, once you understand the basic to create suggestions.
    Because in the beginning is not so easy to understand how you have to create a script.
    My suggestion is you read all the book, even if you don't understand all the details, and then re-read the topics you want to deepen.

    handbook of hypnotic suggestions and metaphors
    corydon hammond, ph.d.

    Hi juancarlosreyesp,
    I am certaily interested to follow you, and your thoughts, I am in a big process now, so I can not go into your process, but I will sertainly do it latere. I just want to tell you how happy I am that
    you chare your knowing/thoughts....that is a ground to humanity or to understand humans better. I love you for doing this open. Thank you.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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