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Thread: COPY: Can you tell me what these images mean?

  1. #1

    COPY: Can you tell me what these images mean?

    Could you tell me what these images mean?

    When I'm trying to enter a trance I will tend to see a an image flash in my vision.
    What happens is, I do the full body bounce, because the repetitive motion seems to be relaxing. Then while I'm getting more and more lost in the action I might hear a sound like a click from my computer or the walls in my room (probably due to thermal expansion). Then I will see this white an black image appear in my vision under my closed eyelids.

    Sometimes it's a pattern like lines or a hexagonal grid, and other times there doesn't seem to be a pattern like a TV screen when you have no signal.
    It has happened while laying down or sitting in a chair. It happened once while I was doing my MAP exercises when the alarm I use set it off.
    The image seems to be related to the particular sound in the sense that it lasts as long as the sound lasts(or at least one cycle of a repeating sound).
    It seems to happen consistently so long as the condition is right and I am legitimately taken by surprise by a certain sound, no matter how small it is.
    Afterwards my body feels strange like I was just scared and all the blood was flushed from my body.

    I drew some examples: Imagine you are laying there with your eyes closed, you are awake and something exactly like this as bright as a TV screen just fills your vision

    1) This one appeared when I was laying in bed about to go to sleep. I was probably doing some energy work or attempting to astral project then I heard a click from my computer and i saw this kind of pattern flash in my vision for a split second.

    2) This one happened the night before I posted this. I was laying in bed trying to "watch" a trance happen to study it. I was reading a book while laying down because that always makes me sleepy and I have to keep catching myself so I don't drop the book. Eventually I started feeling sleepy so I put aside the book. I switched over to the full body bounce and I also had a thought form that I've been working on that is supposed to be passively making me more relaxed when it's near me, but I don't know if it's actually doing anything. So the sound that caused this image came from my stomach. My stomach growled for about 2 seconds and I saw this image shaking up and down like the "earthquake" camera trick.

    [Mod note: Original "Ask Robert" thread here, in case you want to see how Robert eventually answers this question: ]
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  2. #2
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    Re: Can you tell me what these images mean?

    I get things like these. I usually get 'flash' hypnagogic-types on my way to trance, but I will wake up to very similar patterns as to what you've illustrated there. I've had ones that looked like a mandala, and the 'texture' one is one I get close ups of too. I don't think they're hypnagogics, but I've been told they fall into that category.
    For whatever it's worth, I see those too, and other assorted things (like rock carvings, starry skies and rotating cog-like apparatusses (apparati?)
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
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    Re: Can you tell me what these images mean?

    And I think they might be remote views, because I've had the ocassion where I see something in this state and later on I see it in physical life.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4

    Re: Can you tell me what these images mean?

    Well, I have been trying to see things beyond the limits of my physical eyes But even if I don't see an image, a sound can still send a pulse through my body, like if I my body suddenly became very sensitive to sound.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Can you tell me what these images mean?

    I see too similar images, I do not know what they are, but I feel it might be the structure of the spheare or body structure of new level of development. I can imagen we have several structures of our energy/soul/existence depending what part of our existence we enter and are starting to know.

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    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
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