The past couple of months I had a very tough time spiritually.My reality kept fluctuating , things I hadn't experienced known or heard of before happened to me and that threw me entirely off guard (and I'm one of those people who like to think they know a lot)

Here a a couple of things that really kept me out of the deeper darker parts of the woods :

*Appointed Person : when things go haywire , have an appointed person whose opinion you absolutely totally and entirely trust (even above yours) , I wrote in to someone here and to have things reconfirmed and boy was I right in doing so , not only was this person right but it turns out that at a time where I couldn't trust my own judgement I had succor and veracity of clarification.
I know of a person in IRL too , whom too I asked to look into things , again turns out , I was in a bad way.

*Keep Sharing : sometime really bizarre stuff comes up that makes no sense at all , but the important point is to purge and ruminate your thoughts so you can garner insight , to share an example I did one a ritual in which I said something to this effect : "I call upon all those who have shared this soul in my previous cycles , all those who partook the grand right of merging with the light within this soul coming before me, those of power , lend me your aid" - turns out your previous selves "those of power" , can be taken to invite more than one kind of a being , and that too not a
benevolent one , point in fact saying this sparked a whole series of events , we learn the karmic lesson by being both the ying and the yang , the good and the malicious (pardon the cliche).If you share you can recount.

*It's in your mind : a lot of times I kept telling myself this is in my mind and therefore liable to subjective belief , i.e I could imagine it and assume it for real , keep tabs on the tangible stuff , stuff that's concrete and you can't shake off by nodding your head and wiping the mental slate clean.When your reality starts to wobble , the mind assumes a regressive state of logical arithmetic "this is this because that must be that" , again even getting into making sense of things isn't a good idea , learn to turn off your mental faculties for a bit till your situation stabilizes.

*Don't be shy to ask for help : In such times all the marbles aren't in one exact place , I was to make a transaction over the internet for something that supposed to help me get through what I was in and I asked for someones opinion on it, turns out , I forgot even the safe way of procuring items! I mean I just about to hand a huge sum over without safeguards , I'm glad I asked in on it and saw the right way to it.

what helped me most of all was keeping faith , I kept faith in people I trusted and kept my lines of communication open