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Thread: The techniue to understand the mental body

  1. #1

    Smile The techniue to understand the mental body

    Hello, sorry me again
    i want to give you the techniue i develop to be consciousness of the mental body.
    1. The first is to program the higher mind to show you, with luck every 6 months you will get something interesting.
    2. You must remember to "turn off the light where you focus your attention" this is the "light" you activate in an area when you pay attention
    3. the exercise, this is like the energy exercise to get an obe,
    you move to father (i.e. thinking your son broke your computer)
    you move to adult (i.e. thinking in the bill you have to pay tomorrow)
    you move to child (i.e. thinking in a child or a puppy)
    you do this while you are deep relaxed,

    In the exercise your start to understand with the time you activate what is in a specific place, some days you can find you do not activate yourself else can be your wife or someone who is thinking on you, positively or negatively, and unconsciously projects his ego, this is very interesting.

    That is all, now I comment and repeat something i found, specially the reborn in a pole of love.

    another thing is to understand you area a point and your mental body is like an internal universe, there you can have the understadign of the columns, I read once there were five.

    From the higher mind you can get information about the mental body how it expands, and the real shape.

    I found interesting things, like love and energy of life, can be negative or positive, this is not like god is always love. I had see there is a raw energy of life, you can take and program and integrate with you, aboud love is the same, you get gather them and you project with them, but that are not the original and unconditioanl positive energy of life and love.

    The more important concept is the reborn,
    when you wake up, you reborn (thsi is to born tied to one pole of love negative or positive, or good or bad if you prefer) and that love, is alive, that love can inhibit, the functionig of the egos of your minds, for that reason I took a lot of time trying to understand the correct love, and I found a lot of information, the important is the positivel ove is the love that is like the love a mother can give his life for his child. the negative love is a conqueror love, that puts the priority of their existence over any thing even destroying others. Out of that both love are very similar.

    so the process of waking up, as I commenetd previously, is not only, awake alert consciousness here and now, is something like
    structure of pole, the dominant pole, your identity (subcosnciousness), the identity of every one of your egos, THE LOVE IN WHICH YOUR BORN, this is like THE LOVE HIGHER BEING you integrate, the displacement of egos to the correct place (including rotation), etc.
    the dominant pole identifies the energy of life you will connect, the interesting is to integrate to the positive or negative pole, you have to activae your ego child in the chest positively, hopely, once you get that unconditional love enter in you, you must expand in every area inside your body, around your ears, etc. and then you activate the egos, like your egos requires that love to exists.
    these is a lot of complication.

    in the process you understand you must see your mental mind, like a robot, something you must repair, the mental mind exists over an energy body, you must conquer, because there can beo ther egos, you must activate the systems in different parts, you must integrate with love, energy of life, and family (because your mental mind exists integrate to a group of people that share the energy of life and love)

    The more interesting about it, is at the end you don't really need there is a mental body or you have egos, if you think the mental body is a methapor (from hypnosis), something you only imagine, you can get the same benefits.

    I'm going to post (If I'm not blocked or deleted from the forum ) a new proposal of self-hypnosis, thsi is the self-hypnotherapy, this includes the tools of hypnotherapy, plus a simple and real understanding of trance that uses to be move to something mysthic, and the methapor of mental body.
    This is very nice

    Thank you for reading.

    note: I found something interesting, that is possible to keep all the day a person in trance, that I found studying hypnotherapy, this apparently, based on what I read, had been done to pregnant women, and they do all their tasks they have to do, of course is not a very deep state of trance, but I found is very interesting. I'll have to read more about but the fact you can keep a person in trance all the day, without nobody noting it, had been something very interesing, and something that should be tested and regulated in banks in example.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: The techniue to understand the mental body

    I do understand totally what you say about being in trance a whole day. The man who beated me he did make me so scarred that I did not dare to do but what he have told me, but one day after that I did get the lesson about that we are not our bodies, I did dare to brake the trance so to speak, and noticed that he has inplanted or activated my deepest fear, and it took very long time for me to dare to trust the lesson, and I did break my own dogmas so to yes, I know and I was able to observe the robot side of me...thank you again

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #3

    Re: The techniue to understand the mental body

    Thank you IA56 for reading, but remember some of these are only thought and my opinions, don't take them too seriously. I don't, they are only notes trying to explain some phenomena I can. maybe one day it will become something serious, but it only can happen if other people reproduce the investigations and reach the same conclusion.

    I think this will be the last one , in two decades I found some interesting things I wan to share sorry for being repetitive in several of them, but I want to copy to someone who could be interested.

    I forgot to mention a very important detail I think is obvious but maybe not for you, in the exercises, when you are changing egos you must experiment, because the reason for hte technique is to experiment, in example:
    1) when you change egos, you will note you draing energy from the egos who are not active, well you must keep energy in them, then you will note they are active but displace to other places.
    2) progrma yoru mind that the adult ego in example is in another location of your body, andi s of other sex, and when changing to adult see the difference.
    3) etc.

    I found is the intensification in the process of activation of mental functions, the only way to activate , activate for NORMAL functioning, is a limitless intensification.
    This are like the him properties we talk previously, omnipresent, begin and end, the first and the last, etc.
    you are more and more awake, when you close you eyes and open again, you will be (exponential 10 times) more awake, ... (exponential 10 times 10 times), ... you are infinitely awake, you are absonitely awake.
    The absonite comes from the urantia book, I put as not only an infinite places, it is infinite in space and time, a time without time neither space, the limit.
    you areabsonitely awake is that, the limit of the intensification, the end of the more and more.
    The curious as I told you I found is that that limitless state of intensification, is what generates a normal functioning in your mind.

    Is interesting to note in phsychological problems, there is a programmed functioning, a victim, can have an aggresive ego that provoques the other people to become aggresive and that searchs aggresive people, and in the point he the victim receives the aggresion his robot changesto a weak ego that suffers, is interesting to note that the functioning of changing of egos, is set in the process of the evolution of the mind a child. This means the triggers can change to activate another ego, or do not activate any. there is where we can see the rweal power of the robot in the way our mind work, in the management of egos.

    To activate the mental body you must set in your mind, your mental body as your treasure, that gives enough emoitional energy and attention to keep the process in keeping it working ok.

    There are other FORCED RELATION in this investigation, these are gathering ideas from anywhere trying to find some evidence about the existence and the work of the mental body, is for example the wu xing, because before finding it I have afew intuitions about defense, in example I have a weird dream, to stop an attack of acid water you increase the "earth" to asimilate it. is like a process to structure some elements of the mental body, the true is I don't understand but I had seen it is an imoprtant element, in the same way the techniques to destroy the mental body Splitting,Drilling,Crushing,Pounding, I found evidence previously, so I don't think is a coincidence.
    But in the other hand is not clear how could work or exists, but is something interesting to keep in mind and maybe could be useful in some way in the future.
    But based on the previous idea, I found is necessary to "visualize mental activity", like gathering energy from earth, and charging chacras; it is activaating the flow of love inside of us, activating memories that activates stress and sexual energy to higher mind, etc. Basically the activation of the "mental systems.

    Different attacks, by replace, pull, push. replace is when someone projects over the ego, and you activates them instead of your ego (you will note in exercise you activate an ego in a position when changing an ego),
    pull is when an ego goes out of yoru mental body, it can be becaues your robot says other is you, or you project an ego because you are worry or you are angry with some one.
    push is when you project into an ego, to get he enter in some kind of trance (trance focused in one task, trance of wake up in sleep, un real and completely comfortable, etc.) and then you press to get the ego reduce the area of his expansion and connection.

    Something I found in my investigations, only for those who were really and probed normal person and can become mad suddenly, is madness is a kind trance of mental body, or replace of body, why? becaues there are specific cases when a normal person first hear some one talking him, sometimes there had been a real menace to thim of some kind of underground people, and suddenly from a normla person he becomes mad. The other interesting thing is once they are physical isolation they improve, when they break the isoluation they return to the problem, and other detail that shows a sadistic sense of humor, this could be things like the kid you kill her mother when he received a gun she gave as gift, that is typicla of an undergroup I was investigating, and the important are teh details, one case is not the same than anoter, because the other part of this invetigation is the understanding of the underground groups, people that say they can drain your energy, cause depression, AND CASUALLY ONCE ONE TOLDME HE CAN BECOME MAD PEOPLE, important detail, thsi a long history when I entered to one of that underground groups, and in the other side people that can sane, protect people, this happened several tiems in my family in example my brother fall of head and was not reacting and one day a nurse said a woman entered his rrom and never get out, and from that they he started to recover and now is completely normal and sane, thsi is about things I have evidence and I fact I had see or know.
    When you think without the existence of mental body, then is something unkown, but when you think in the mental body anything makes sense. It include cases when a person loses the control of his body, and some week ago he started to hear people talking to him continuously, is other investigation I was on.

    Thank your for reading

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: The techniue to understand the mental body


    I am not taking anything too seriously, I am just happy when I feel I understand what someone is saying, or that I feel in synck with theires Writing.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #5

    Re: The techniue to understand the mental body

    some ideas about what I think about this mental process.

    Apparently when we integrate to the grupal being we are always fusing or egos up to some point, the egos quits to some fuctionality, specially child eogs, and becomes a source of energy and knowledge for the dominating ego.

    Association for attack or defense
    in example when moving three tiem the head
    1) set the pole (the good or bad, which is the right and which dominates) and teh attacker as dominant
    2) projects into the person
    3) fuses in that person dominating him
    1) set the pole, and set you as dominant
    2) separate (water and oil) different poles
    3) fuse only with the pole compatible with you and domina

    The level of domination of ego in a fusion is variable depending on
    1) him, the fasters, the omnipresent, etc.
    2) source of energy, when you get energy of life and mind from an unconditional soruc,e then you have the power, but when you receive from another ego, then that ego has some influence when granting that energy.
    When we integrate with another ego to get energy or knowledge, then that ego participates in the mental process too.
    The problem is if that being is of the opposite pole, then an attack starts to happen in the laeyrs of love, energy of life, higherm ind, etc. And in that moment the imortant is the identity that person has in the subcosnciousness, the him qualification, and based on that data, the subcosnciousness allows the attacker become the controller or oneself.

  6. #6

    Re: The techniue to understand the mental body

    Another thought, what creates the phenomenon of mental existence? the circuit

    The circuit of group of flows is the existence of the mind

    The circuit that activates the cycle of activation of group of flows, is what caues the life of the mind.
    The flows set:
    - internalized realities, realities that are inserted in the midn.
    - systems: the process, the execution of a function, etc.
    And once they are created they must be organized in steps, and the associated to the different groups of five or seven characteristics of every thing: music notes, colors, etc.
    That associatiosn guarantees the permament activtion of the mental process.

    The mental existence requiers a set of complex mental functions that must work together and correctly to allow the mind to exists and work orrectly

    Here are some examples, every one of this properties creates a mental functioning
    this mengal functioning can be indirectly being created in example when playing a game,
    but the functionality of the mind must be activated in some way, and the circuit is the correct.
    - the system of deserving the existence
    The best is to set a dual pole, where both of them executes their right to live to learn and grow, and their last goal is to understand the true and then they will become one. BUT meanwhile the existence of one means the anhilitaion of the other, so:
    1) you deserve to exists (and the other too)
    2) all your subcosnciousness and menatl resoruces must focus only in you
    3) you msut activate your surivval system (activating memories, etc.)
    4) to exists you will ahve to become stronger and defeat the opposites (mentally).
    - definition of minimal menta lfunctioning
    This is the programming to your subconsciouesns to identify the ego that gives you the advanced mental functions like remembering, experience, techniques of foresight, human relation, etc.
    And once identifieed activate them in the correct place and protect them.
    "All the ego that belongs to my being that remember s the eperiences that gives me the advances abilties of human relatiosn and foresight, are displace to the place in my mental body where once actiavted they can execute athat function correctly" or something like that.
    - Guarantee your presence in all the egos in your mental body
    - This is a suggestions ,where anyone in the mental body, becomes you, this causes any ego in your mental body get connected with your higher mind and he control him.
    "you are the strongest and any one in you becomes you." or something like this.
    - The process to exit of any tranc,e to avoid to enter unneceasrily in deep trance, to rebornd and return to the groupal being of your pole, etc.
    - THE ENVIRONEMNT, thsi is important, becaues the environemnt, all what surrounds you must become good, in an mental attack there is an activation of the (terror enviornment wher any object becomes evil and detroys you), the idea is one to create the (unconditional positive help and grant of anything to you, where any object and anything inthe environment grants all them and their abilities to you to allow you to surve, and makes all to help you (only good things))
    - Existence happens only when correct egos are in the proper place
    In this case you have to create suggestions to the subcosnciousness:
    - to find the egos
    - to dispalce to a place where then can expand and execute their control function in the mental body
    - to actiavte
    - Every thiing is in the area of your mental b ody
    Thsi is important becaues the subconsciousness focus in the area, dispalces all the elements to the area of the body
    in the are of the mental body are your parents, you, god, etc., etc.
    - Closed system, if in example you are going to maek uija, opening doors to external beings, then the first is to clsoe and protect, the same happens for any other activity.
    - awesome and him system
    the ego that is activated as awesome receives resources of teh subconsciousness,
    here you include the properties (you or your name) are omnipresent, (you or your name) are the strongest being in the creation
    You can do it integrating with gods, and the putting in a dominant position, this means one you integrate with god you are one with god, and once then you have control of you in what you do in your mind, so in that sense you are strongest than him in you.
    - Internalized reality for ego child: I and my robot
    This creates an internal represetation where a child ego when he wakes up see the being where he exists as a robot, he must structure correctly, moving egos to the correct place, etc.

    Etc. this is the idea of the creation of the circuit, that is a very big task, the activation of all the mental functionality, the internalization of realities, etc., and this is the only way to activate and get the mind working. correctly.

    Is extremely important to take seriously the mechanisms of egos, and estimate properly, this means:
    - flow of energy of life
    - flow of love
    - flow of light
    correct position and rotation of egos
    flow of energy to all egos

    There are two important mechanisms
    the flow of water, the flow of life, that circulates in that area.
    the flow of energy to the higher mind in the back, behind your body, the connection is like a chimmney in the end of the backbone, it requires mainly sexual energy.
    It's like the gather of energy and they works automatically, but not after a reborn attack, the flow of enegy of the group of beings one belong, life and love, are their presence too in your mental body and influence in you.
    Because in a mental attack where people lose control, the attacker get full control of the victim, the ego child of the victim wakes ups and gets consciousness for short periods, but he never is in control, this is very important to understand to recover from that attack requires a full understanding and activation of many mechanisms we ignore, don't give enough importance or assume are working.

    Last edited by juancarlosreyesp; 6th October 2015 at 12:39 PM.

  7. Re: The techniue to understand the mental body

    Thanks! This is some quality info!

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