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Thread: HELP - Ive Been looking for an answer for a long time - am i astral projecting?

  1. #1

    HELP - Ive Been looking for an answer for a long time - am i astral projecting?

    For few years I have some issues with projecting.
    i have been managing to leave my body a lot of times, but every time i leave the body something grabs me and spin me all over the place. some times i see faces. to be honest there was a lot of fear (from my side) involved.
    there was few times that it didnt happened:

    One time i woke up while the body was sleeping. it was very different than a normal sleeping state cause i felt like a tiny dot inside this huge vessel that was my body. I heard my self breath and snoring (!). I was completely free from my phyiscal body. I think i was in a deep trance.
    I imagned a rope above my head, and I could see it like it was really there. then i lift my hands to get out.
    my hand was vibrating with shiney blue and when i left my body everything seems like liquid, or energy. and it was really hard to focus.
    It was really creazy.
    it was very different from the times that i left my body and got thorwn off.

    another time i left my body, and saw people in my house (two young girls that saw me) then i went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked noraml but like made of electrcity a bit.

    MY QUESTION IS - are all of those were astral projection or it was dreams?
    cause the thing that throws me (if it is a thing and not me doing) really need to go so i can explore a bit. never got 10 meters away from my bad, and i left my body like 30 times.

    PS - it happened today also. I was half dreaming, and use the rope to leave, only to find my self in a huge pit.
    when i looked up (way up) i saw shadows looking at me in forms of monkey and huge snakes

    im use to having nightmares and scary stuff.. but thats really annoyin..
    did i had a nightmare or a person can project into ♥♥♥♥ty places?

    Thank you very much for taking the time to help!

  2. #2

    Re: HELP - Ive Been looking for an answer for a long time - am i astral projecting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dman View Post
    are all of those were astral projection or it was dreams?
    did i had a nightmare or a person can project into ♥♥♥♥ty places?
    My point of view:

    According to the old mystic, esoteric, some Eastern philosophy and some more modern occultist views which I share (e.g. Theosophy) dreaming is already Astral Projection.

    Everything is a projection of the mind. Even your body/self in this reality.

    When in dream state you just do itwith your subconscious mind at the steering wheel. So the art of "conscious/lucid projecting/dreaming" is to get your conscious wilful self-aware mind behind it, or at least for a certain time, because there is a constant flux of lucidity in- or decreasing.

    The so-called astral "planes" (view the term 'plane' metaphorical) are also different for dreaming when they are more like your private space where you act out your emotions, instincts, problems and inner drives. Hence the astral body is also called the emotional body. Kurt Leland (good books, I recommend them) calls it the dream zones as opposed to more 'public' zones shared by the collective.
    When you get conscious/lucid you can be either in the dream zones still which are more "dreamy" in nature and live through some simulations in a thought responsive way or you have already reached more collective-mind-zones that are shared by other souls and consciousness, they would be more stable then and less thought responsive because collective thought has created them.

    It looks to me like your bathroom 'dream' was a false awakening. It is also a mix of dream/lucid-dream state where you think you are awake and get up for the day and only later notice you are dreaming.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  3. #3
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    Washington State, USA

    Re: HELP - Ive Been looking for an answer for a long time - am i astral projecting?

    Thats a easy one to answer. Your just getting fear test from consciousness totally normal stuff. What it is is that consciousness tries to scare new projectors and send them running back to there body in fear. This is to keep people who arnt ready for OBEs from experiencing them. It sounds like you are very good at OBE but you havent passed the test. To pass the test and get this to stop you need to stand up to whatever comes at you again. You dont fight it and you dont run from it you just stand up to it and face it dead in the eyes and say do your worst, im not going anywhere and I want to be here. Something along those lines, then it will back down and once you pass this the harassing should stop.These are common not just in OBE but in lucid dreaming and any non physical endevaur like I said there meant to keep you out of places that your not ready for, so you need to stand up to it and show that you are.

    It could also be that if you let anything scare you in a lucid dream or OBE you get what I call "fear on a loop" its when you get a little scared which then feeds back to your subconscious which then renders somethign more scary to you which then you get even more scared and feed that back to your subconscious when then renders something even more scary to you. The way to fix this is just make a firm choice to not be scared and try and think of something happy and it will reverse this process.

  4. #4

    Re: HELP - Ive Been looking for an answer for a long time - am i astral projecting?

    Wow Tenacity
    Thank you so much.
    Im goona try this!

  5. #5
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    Re: HELP - Ive Been looking for an answer for a long time - am i astral projecting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dman View Post
    For few years I have some issues with projecting.
    i have been managing to leave my body a lot of times, but every time i leave the body something grabs me and spin me all over the place. some times i see faces. to be honest there was a lot of fear (from my side) involved.
    there was few times that it didnt happened:
    Wow, I feel like I've answered this same post before. Must be deja vu or something.
    Anyway, there is a phenomenon that happens called Astral Wind. Sometimes it feels you've fallen into a tornado, or a hurricane. It can happen in the middle of a projection or in the beginning. It can be this.
    Another thing that also happens is that you may be in the middle of a projection process while asleep and wake up- and part of your energy body is externalized and part is still occupying your body location. So when your conscious awareness 'joins up' with the expanded energy body the effect is such as you describe. Very chaotic, very violent, and if you've never experienced it before, very scary. Usually it makes a projection be brief and then you're back in your body, no harm done.
    One time i woke up while the body was sleeping. it was very different than a normal sleeping state cause i felt like a tiny dot inside this huge vessel that was my body. I heard my self breath and snoring (!). I was completely free from my phyiscal body. I think i was in a deep trance.
    I imagned a rope above my head, and I could see it like it was really there. then i lift my hands to get out.
    my hand was vibrating with shiney blue and when i left my body everything seems like liquid, or energy. and it was really hard to focus.
    It was really creazy.
    it was very different from the times that i left my body and got thorwn off.
    Yes, projection is not a clear cut identical process, it comes in different 'flavors' and each experience can be different.

    MY QUESTION IS - are all of those were astral projection or it was dreams?
    cause the thing that throws me (if it is a thing and not me doing) really need to go so i can explore a bit. never got 10 meters away from my bad, and i left my body like 30 times.
    Astral projections, as they're nothing new.

    im use to having nightmares and scary stuff.. but thats really annoyin..
    did i had a nightmare or a person can project into ♥♥♥♥ty places?
    Either are possible. The astral planes can be volatile, and if you're in a mood, you create some of what you experience.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to help!
    You're welcome.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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