It seems like when I become aware that I am projecting some of my body parts are actually awake.

I was getting ready for a final exam that I have tonight and I got sleepy reading so I went to lay down on my bed. I fell asleep and was having a dream. Then I started waking up and I was aware of myself laying in my bed. My eyes were open but then I felt my right leg fall through my bed and was dangling there like there was just air underneath me(cold air).

So then I was like "oh damn I'm projecting" So I start trying to sit up straight but I couldn't get the right side of my head to move as much as the left. I was moving a little bit but It was harder the more I moved. I probably only moved my head about 5-10 degrees. But then I noticed that my right eye was awake and seeing naturally while my left eye was seeing "astrally"? which has happened before but my astral copy was downstairs on the couch so I could see in my living room in one eye and my bedroom in the other eye. Also I could hear a deep vibration sort of off in the distance.

Then I let myself fully awaken and the deep vibrating sound stopped, and I could see the usual after image of a wormhole/tunnel.

Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?