Quote Originally Posted by mrex19985 View Post

I need to raise my vibes so
My problem is when i want to meditate sometimes i feel nothing no energy and sometimes the enrgy just go by itself what to do?

My story (you can skip it)
(I have a good knowlege of energy and stuff and i have never fully astral projected before becasue of fear inside me, And i have been working on removing fear, I think now i have a littel but it's ok
I was about to astral project after waking up from bad lucid dream, When i have been gone trance state and heared bad voices i think i was going to the lower realm and that makes the prossess to fail)
In my experience, meditation doesn't help much with 'raising <your> vibe'. That would be more of an energy thing or a getting in touch with your inner divine thing. Mediation can help with fear but generally its a long and subtle process, lowering the general fear base rather than address a specific fear. If you still want to address this with meditation I suggest focusing on self acceptance during meditation.