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Thread: Keep failing to astral project

  1. #1

    Keep failing to astral project

    Everytime I try to astral project I fail I don't know why this was like this for many years. I now know why. I really really tried to astral project and never tried so well like I have this morning and the information came threw. My survival instincts play are part in not projecting. It's somehow like a fear of death.

    It's ego related. I am pretty sure my ego doesn't want me astral projecting because it will die. It wants to survive

    Does anyone have any advice how to brake down the ego. My ego wants a part of me in my body at all times. That's why I suck at astral projecting

    Does anyone here have the same problem?

  2. #2

    Re: Keep failing to astral project

    Im not sure that youncan kill your ego. You jus need to overrulenit and become its ruler in stead of being under it.

    In your case I wouldnsuggest tricking it cause thats faster. Try with affirmations you record and play while you sleep

  3. #3

    Re: Keep failing to astral project

    As I understand it, there may be more than one aspect of "ego" that comes into play, that kicks in the survival instinct. It's not an uncommon fear, as from the perspective of the little i/egoic-self, it does feel like death. That being said, I practice more of the "feed your demons" or embracing/accepting egoic parts or aspects of one's personality, getting to the "root" of the issue, pulling it out thus releasing the ties that bind an ego from realizing it's true nature(such as compassion, equanimity, deathless, etc.).

    In terms of "breaking" the ego, it's not my cup of tea, but do know of several meditative practices that encourage such, as well as psyco-therapy practices as well that have their methods. I personally don't abide in it, but am aware of the techniques. Often it involves a quelshing as it arises, referred to as "stomping the weeds," with each stomp, the weed(ego) get weaker and weaker till it no longer arises, giving the sense of breakage, though in most regards is just dormant. Another technique often referred to is "Is that so?" I personally feel it encourages passive aggressive behavior, but every time an aspect of oneself arises, be it thought, emotion, belief, one mentally nips at it, with a "is that so?" and carry on. If done efficiently will reduce the arising of the ego, giving a reprieve from say a short time, to even decades before it arises again. Awareness, and maintenance is key.

    So yes, I have encountered similar issues, but solved it by removing the obstacle, diving in; rather than blunt force. To each their own though, ego breaking is a very common technique, and there are many nuances.

  4. #4

    Re: Keep failing to astral project

    I think I am on the path to disolving my ego threw getting into the moment.

    I just wanted to be social that's my nature. I was also wanting to know if it's common here in form to have similair barriers. Yes you could call it manipulation

    Most of my self want's me to obe. But it's on a uncounsciouis reaction while projecting

  5. #5

    Re: Keep failing to astral project

    I think it's important to honor your path. I'm not very social by nature, but going through a burst of it atm. lol. Can you describe the barriers? I'm in no means a professional though, so that's my caveat, just highly opinionated.
    I can relate to the unconscious reaction while projecting...say for example, a while ago, I expanded out to fill the room, so not really an OBE, both aware of myself lying in bed physically, but also, encompassing the bedroom. I played around in expanding more, but everytime, I tried to expand past the barriers of my bedroom, I felt intense fear. I lacked the insight to determine the root cause, but as I experimented, it definitely occurred repeatedly as I tried to "spread out," but didn't arise if I focused into a smaller point travelling around my bedroom, or collapsed into a smaller point around my body. For some reason, I wasn't able to create a wormhole/door/whatever, to project out.

    So, yeah, I feel like I can relate, but can only wish you well on your path as am still working on the same thing too.

  6. #6

    Re: Keep failing to astral project

    Can you describe the barriers

    Most of me wants project but a little fraction of me is wanting to stay in the body at all times. It's a bit like schizophrenia

    It's funny as spiritual being having a human experience. It's very natural for us to obe every night that's how we are all designed. But the instinctive reaction is to stay in confines of the physical body at all time for some

    funny thing when it comes to converting a lucid dream into a obe my survival instincts don't influence me

  7. #7
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    Re: Keep failing to astral project

    It might be something as simple as fear of heights. From a lucid dream it's just not as scary. Just a thought.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Keep failing to astral project

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    It might be something as simple as fear of heights. From a lucid dream it's just not as scary. Just a thought.
    Yes, that is a issue, I remember me for several years ago, I was trained by someone....I did not dare to take off, so he did put a plank towards a wall, and I had one infront of me
    showing how to do, and one behind me, and he tickled me on my butt swsooosh....I jumped up and I had a fast take off....but when I have come a bit up, I did feel that I
    do not dare to fly, but I was curraged to start on low hight, I did not even dare to fly over the tree tops ....haha...that was in the very early in my youth....I am better today and not that scared anymore....but yes...fear of hights is an issue.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #9

    Re: Keep failing to astral project

    You know what they say, practice makes perfect! Don't give up!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Western Australia

    Re: Keep failing to astral project


    Hopefully not too late posting here.

    I thought I might share my experience which may help you.

    When I first started OBE's it did seem easier even more so when you are in a happy loving mood having that "feeling",remembering that feeling before you fell asleep helped.
    It also helped reading Robert Monroe's books & Robert Bruce's at first it felt all new and having that " WOW" factor...finding the truth.

    Then after couple of years going further in the Astral or seeing other realms sometimes I would doubt it was real
    or be afraid and always exit early before the experience ended...never really meeting anyone in there that could give guidance.

    So because I couldn't "prove" OBE's were real & felt I was going at it alone with no guide or teacher I became too cautious, started to lose interest in
    finding the the experiences faded more and the ones I had sometimes were minor OBE's wondering around locally and short lived..the OBE's became less as time went on.

    Then a couple or so months ago something sparked my interest again & lead me to starting reading Bruce Moen's books. Voyages into the unknown, Voyages beyond doubt, Voyages to curiosity's father.
    All good books on OBE's. These sparked my interest again with Bruce's approach of always doubting himself and finding "proof" in ways I never thought of.

    Once I read all three books I went through his afterlife knowledge guide book.
    This had his his experiences on how he managed to have OBE's a guide / manual. This combined with Robert Bruce's NEW energy method it seemed to work well. I
    ts good to get another point of view that may help.

    For me it was relaxing the body,each part one by one with eyes closed on my back arms and legs apart with a blanket staying warm.
    Feeling each body part one by one, pretending to feel energy or warmth at each limb, hand, head, foot, heart, tummy etc.
    Any concerns you have, life issues, work, family, friends in your mind that pop up place inside a box, place a lid on the box
    and place it aside to stop the mind chatter.

    Next breeth slowly..breeth a breath in..hold for a second and out and hold for a second repeat a approx 4-6 times and then breeth normally but slower for approx 30-40 secs and repeat.

    After sometime you get to a state I guess it might be called focus 10 by Robert Monroe? With your eyes closed it feels relaxing, and you don't notice your limbs.
    Though you can still move them..then keep repeating the breath method and then you get further along..and notice your body even less and feel even more relaxed.
    At times you might get images but try to keep concentrated and aware keep doing the breathing method relaxing..thinking of your breathing as you do it.

    Don't forget to remember the feeling it feels like to be in these this I found is the key to getting back to them when you relax & meditate as per above with the breathing method.
    Only difference you try to remember the feeling you had during that state while you do the breathing as the feeling seems to be powerful reminder.

    Next state is similar to the first maybe focus 15? you are very relaxed and hardly can feel your body parts and your mind feels clear.
    At this point I found I could ask myself questions..since the mind chatter is gone and i,m very relaxed, calm, aware.

    As per Bruce Moens method I read about I asked my other aspect of me I called it why can't I have OBE's..I heard a reply saying it was dangerous.
    Seemed odd talking to yourself I know did work.

    I said no I want to be able to OBE's properly again and its not dangerous besides its my will and that is what I want to first "it / I" didn't agree
    until I was more forceful that It's what I wanted and it agreed.

    Next as recommended in one of the books I started to remember "that" feeling it felt when you move out of your body.
    For me it was pretending to rock my body left and right or back and forward till I popped out.

    So I did this for a time thinking in my mind rocking left and right while laying down on my back pretending it was happening...while breathing calm and a little slower than normal but no breathing brakes
    since already in the state.
    Then I tried to roll to my side for real and thought I might fall over however that's when I popped out and had the OBE.

    Hope this helps you as it did me.


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