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Thread: Dreamy's Beau

  1. #231
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Where the Bluegrass kisses the Mts.

    Re: Dreamy's Beau

    Three blind mice...see how they run...Stooges

    JeueJ - Game - not one attribution given, not even in the very least, to !?WTF?! is our HuMan BeingNess, afore outlying rights even considered be. For if The Premise unconsidered Ain'T but an event to Man|i|PuLate MisCreant Science[including occult science] , tis no wonder The Promise inconsiderately yet dormant lies.

    "The Book Of...

    The teaching apart from which is no other,...

    This is the teaching in which dwells the whole knowledge.

    I have loved you. I have wanted life to be given you; the Living Jesus, who knows the truth.

    Blessed is he who has crucified the world, and who has not the world to crucify him.

    He who has crucified "it" is he who has found my word and has fulfilled "it" according to the will of him who has sent me.


    Last edited by Timothy; 15th April 2017 at 11:48 AM.
    Of the end the beginning•In the beginning Our Self.

    "I can tell you,when people cling to bitterness,there is nothing you can do about it,because it's how they define their power.If he [they] can learn to get power from joy, good-" ~ CFTraveler

    "Kundalini is known by many names through different cultures, including The Cosmic Christ.
    I think there is only one mechanism built into all humans, but it has been given many names and interpretations." ~ Robert Bruce

  2. #232
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Where the Bluegrass kisses the Mts.

    Re: Dreamy's Beau

    I wake up this morning next to a snore-fest...that I am certain much acreage of forest has been...still is...being leveled...sounds as if the entire logging camp is on the push.

    That's better than the "?head in a circle?" repetitive chantlike mumbling which earlier awoke me to ask, "hey...are you ok up in there?"

    Tail tale signs...the veritable who's who~>even to the unknowing who. IC-Abode ... I-Kavod ... KBD ... NA-ME-IC ... To give name to, bestow upon...fulfill vow-els....UnTill every jot and tittle....etc.

    All the char-actors in/of the booked. How be "it" that these schema-tics are architecturally scattered pon our earth, doth man [in one ear and out the other] see to "scheme"...instead of "Shema!"...???

    Not one iota, not one sign of "it"; either booked -or- fashioned/constructed otherwise[not one chicken scratch], shall last as having ever been re-membered through the passing in/of forgotten fore-gottenness.

    The Lord's is the earth and it's fulness, the world and all it's peoples.

    The Pusher


    Afganistan, "Without legitimate reason, our lands are being used as the testing ground."

    They with their "angles" ...round pon round... who'd squarely snatched the all encompassing rose, and He crowned of thorns. I Ching

    Top of the World ON

    The Veritable Wild Rose

    Bitter-Sweet Symphony
    Last edited by Timothy; 15th April 2017 at 05:16 PM.
    Of the end the beginning•In the beginning Our Self.

    "I can tell you,when people cling to bitterness,there is nothing you can do about it,because it's how they define their power.If he [they] can learn to get power from joy, good-" ~ CFTraveler

    "Kundalini is known by many names through different cultures, including The Cosmic Christ.
    I think there is only one mechanism built into all humans, but it has been given many names and interpretations." ~ Robert Bruce

  3. #233
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Where the Bluegrass kisses the Mts.

    Re: Dreamy's Beau

    Beware they who've through men been given...what ought in their own remembering...they've not with understanding of themself...membered.

    22 Epistles: [14~>1<~6+1] Hussle (et)and floW

    Of 11@11, Matthew 22:42-45

    What is That which preyeth upon that which prey?

    Was not the youngest son of Jesse found with the flock...he having rapaciously taken life of both lion and wolf in the protection of his shepherded charges?

    Were not the 6 elder sons leading their peopled charges...found shaking in their armor on the warring front...they facing the enemy's hire of the giant?

    Having been apprized, though he but a young boy, did not David the chosen king...but wearing a sheepskin, straight away slew the giant?

    Numbers 23:24

    He shall seize in the morning, he shall devour the spoil.

    23 (et)and Me
    Last edited by Timothy; 16th April 2017 at 08:27 PM.
    Of the end the beginning•In the beginning Our Self.

    "I can tell you,when people cling to bitterness,there is nothing you can do about it,because it's how they define their power.If he [they] can learn to get power from joy, good-" ~ CFTraveler

    "Kundalini is known by many names through different cultures, including The Cosmic Christ.
    I think there is only one mechanism built into all humans, but it has been given many names and interpretations." ~ Robert Bruce

  4. #234
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Where the Bluegrass kisses the Mts.

    Re: Dreamy's Beau

    Numbers 23:24 "Behold, The People shall rise up as a Great [Lioness], and lift up Himself as a young Lion: He shall not lie down until He eat of the prey, and drink the blood of the slain."

    Here we see "flesh eaten and blood drank". Is "it" literal?

    Is it pointing at the bread and wine of diverse cultures scattered broadly, the offering as their particulars in/of labors and fruits of "the world and all its peoples"?

    16 Loyal Fans

    Are we "all it's peoples" therein being written as THAT Body Of The Day...To rise up, and lift up?


    As any parent does, do we not teach our children the blessed gift of doing what they for themselves can do, even must functionally do, for themselves?

    At least in the coming nigh, coming as you are...coming as we are. God Is Love


    If not, What then -or- Who this "god" that you'd have arrive on the scene to do for each who within the what of everyone which can undeniably see to do az being done?
    Last edited by Timothy; 17th April 2017 at 02:47 AM.
    Of the end the beginning•In the beginning Our Self.

    "I can tell you,when people cling to bitterness,there is nothing you can do about it,because it's how they define their power.If he [they] can learn to get power from joy, good-" ~ CFTraveler

    "Kundalini is known by many names through different cultures, including The Cosmic Christ.
    I think there is only one mechanism built into all humans, but it has been given many names and interpretations." ~ Robert Bruce

  5. #235
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Where the Bluegrass kisses the Mts.

    Re: Dreamy's Beau

    Truly 2014-15-16-and so far 17 have all 4 been about keeping me down to earth...never failing grounded in "I'm not that important".

    Doesn't change how and what I feel to express/reflect, not even a little. If anything it keeps me clearer. I'm not afraid to let the "characters" out of their prospective "booked ends", because that's what '(et)and' is all about.

    Like my lil desert-camo Gideon Pocket Edition New Testament given to me back in 1991. I needed that then, but I no longer require "paged word" in my pocket.

    2017-04-18 07.16.12.jpg

    That's not to say that I don't reference books, or utilize Google search engine in the refresher of bounds and limits. These waters been charted in redundant manifold means, it'd be a mistake not to purpose referencing.

    Ya Reckon...
    Da Hub-Bub

    ""Freedom" just another word ...choose... nothing left to lose." ~ M.I.A. ... Bring The Noize

    Take No Sh¡t, But Do No Harm

    Never Corner What's
    2017-04-18 08.05.49.jpg
    Got "It" Cornered

    Be The Change You Want To See In The World
    Http:// Ghandi

    Keep This Fire Burning


    It's all bout da english...
    Last edited by Timothy; 20th April 2017 at 02:13 AM.
    Of the end the beginning•In the beginning Our Self.

    "I can tell you,when people cling to bitterness,there is nothing you can do about it,because it's how they define their power.If he [they] can learn to get power from joy, good-" ~ CFTraveler

    "Kundalini is known by many names through different cultures, including The Cosmic Christ.
    I think there is only one mechanism built into all humans, but it has been given many names and interpretations." ~ Robert Bruce

  6. #236
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Where the Bluegrass kisses the Mts.

    Re: Dreamy's Beau


    Movie: Awake - A Dream From Standing Rock [Trailer] 04/22/17 Http://

    Chop Dem Hearts

    Challenging Peoples all over our world to collectively stand up and peacefully fight back in the protection of our lands and vulnerable life giving resources.

    Break Free

    Standing Rock Water Protectors Brutilized

    Multiple Authorities, Privately Contracted Security w/Dogs, Tear Gas & Pepper Spray, Water Cannons, Rubber Bullets Point Blank & Snipered, Dogs, Attacks On Media, Caging Captives In Animal/Pet Crates, Camp Raids...etc. Violent Harassment & Bullying Techniques that by design attempt to reciprocally provoke/esculate 1000+ multiply camped peacefully gathered people...

    "If The Earth Is Not Your Mother...Are You From Mars?"


    "It's not about Me, it's about Everybody."

    ...Protecting the head waters of the Missouri River from Oil Pipelines, this River which eventually meets the Ohio River forming the Mighty Mississippi River...the Entirety providing fresh water to ?!Millions of People!?


    "It's Every-Body's Water"

    Act NOW 4 7 Generations
    Last edited by Timothy; 20th April 2017 at 02:14 AM.
    Of the end the beginning•In the beginning Our Self.

    "I can tell you,when people cling to bitterness,there is nothing you can do about it,because it's how they define their power.If he [they] can learn to get power from joy, good-" ~ CFTraveler

    "Kundalini is known by many names through different cultures, including The Cosmic Christ.
    I think there is only one mechanism built into all humans, but it has been given many names and interpretations." ~ Robert Bruce

  7. #237
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Dreamy's Beau

    Hi Timothy,

    I have supported GreenPeace for years and years....they did fight for to stop the piplines on some reservat of Native Americans...they are doing great job but it is not enough need everyone to understand and support the Earth...if we destroy our Earth we have no-where to live....we have to stop all pollution at once...NOW!!

    Last edited by IA56; 20th April 2017 at 12:21 PM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #238
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Where the Bluegrass kisses the Mts.

    Re: Dreamy's Beau

    Last edited by Timothy; 21st April 2017 at 11:50 AM.
    Of the end the beginning•In the beginning Our Self.

    "I can tell you,when people cling to bitterness,there is nothing you can do about it,because it's how they define their power.If he [they] can learn to get power from joy, good-" ~ CFTraveler

    "Kundalini is known by many names through different cultures, including The Cosmic Christ.
    I think there is only one mechanism built into all humans, but it has been given many names and interpretations." ~ Robert Bruce

  9. #239
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Where the Bluegrass kisses the Mts.

    Re: Dreamy's Beau

    How to let go of the world?

    Honestly! The greatest layer shedding challenge that there is. To love beyond all reason, even without reason, the world around You...not too very far apart fallen.

    In the waters of The River Ganges...the Water-Borne Bacterio-Phage Virus that would behind the Miracle have cleared the skin from its anomolous bacterial abnormalities.

    Phage - To Devour

    BethPhage - the village outside Jerusalem gates, for the rule was to cast judgement in the gates. Within Bethphage's walls (The Supreme Court)..., Jerusalem's every societal detail...individual or grouped, was within those phage housed walls in constant recapitulation.

    The layers of the onion peel away from within outward. Just as the bacteriophage virus attacks straight to the bacteria's cytoplasmic (inner sanctum protoplasm).

    Jericho - City of the Moon
    The Labyrinthine City
    Last edited by Timothy; 22nd April 2017 at 12:25 AM.
    Of the end the beginning•In the beginning Our Self.

    "I can tell you,when people cling to bitterness,there is nothing you can do about it,because it's how they define their power.If he [they] can learn to get power from joy, good-" ~ CFTraveler

    "Kundalini is known by many names through different cultures, including The Cosmic Christ.
    I think there is only one mechanism built into all humans, but it has been given many names and interpretations." ~ Robert Bruce

  10. #240
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Where the Bluegrass kisses the Mts.

    Re: Dreamy's Beau

    Dust In The Wind

    Don't Forget To Re-Member The Living One - YOU ...Y...

    Anastatica (Crucifarae) Herb - Tumble Weed, and a Resurrection Plant.


    Rose of Jericho (Dorodilla - Little Golden One) - dry, lifeless...survives extreme dehydration for months, even years. After Additive of water...revives within 3 hours.

    Away, From...To Stray

    You Don't Know

    Robert Frost
    Road Not Taken
    All The Difference

    Bout 2 Blow

    Now -or- Never

    Water = Word

    "...,but there is another way."

    The Way

    The Truth

    The Life

    Manifold Redundancies... Origination<~>HuMan<~>ReProve


    Fat Bottomed Girlz

    As "IF" what is a Man (et)and what is a Woman sat back to back sharing the backs of Their seats as one, They never knowing...not but a tumbleweed blowing in the winds az waves washing over Them.

    2017-04-18 18.55.32.jpg

    As They Two stood up turning into each other oneanothering az ONE...rooting/re-routing...Answering up to the Deep calling out to Deep.

    Come Together

    All The Difference THAT The ONE Made

    Way Down Human Goes

    2017-04-13 11.54.48.jpg

    Yes. I god-damn well do know ex-actly what "it's" like.

    Yes. I by-god do feel to under-stand.

    Here Now There Are Presently 7 Billion In Us...So Get Over Your Ishness Singularity Of Self.

    Fvk your illustrious crowning affairs (et)and blast your thrones.

    Stand the downed fvk-up responcively up (et)and here let there BE an accounting fore...You.

    Quite simply put, You stepped up to Home plate to bat a 3base run Home. Re-Member The Fore-Gotten ◇

    Jus Acuz Baby, 2 by 2..."it" all comes down to You standing up under your's all ten sky-ward held pon your's all ten sinking in the ear-then mire of your fallen's founding catch (et)and your re-bounding stance.

    Twixt The Foe THAT I Am To My Self (et)and Me ...IS... THAT Which Forever As Mine CaNNot Be Taken Away. DoraDilla - Little Golden One

    Let Your ◇ Come TwoGether
    You (et)and The Land Are One

    Ref. Matt. 19:30 (et)& 20:16


    "If I am not for my Self, then Who is for Me?" ... "If I am only for my Self, then What am I?" ... "If not NOW, When?" ~ Hillel

    EmBrace Me-az-Me EmBraces You ... HuG

    2017-04-23 15.04.15.jpg

    V8 EATR
    2017-04-23 15.04.40.png

    Vivus Parere


    Last edited by Timothy; 25th April 2017 at 03:41 PM.
    Of the end the beginning•In the beginning Our Self.

    "I can tell you,when people cling to bitterness,there is nothing you can do about it,because it's how they define their power.If he [they] can learn to get power from joy, good-" ~ CFTraveler

    "Kundalini is known by many names through different cultures, including The Cosmic Christ.
    I think there is only one mechanism built into all humans, but it has been given many names and interpretations." ~ Robert Bruce

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