The sponging exercise started out just that way- but has evolved into two different types of exercises, for different purposes- You start using the image of the sponge to prestimulate an area, in which we sometimes call "tertiary energy centers", or just "inside" but when you are starting to speed up the process, Robert uses a different mechanism, something easier to experience in this way, and it's the energy ball. He usually tells you (depending on what version of MAP you are using) to imagine a blue ball of energy instead of the sponge, and get it into a bounce. This is easier to 'manifest' because most of us has bounced a ball in the past. So get an imaginary ball bouncing in front of the desired limb (after you have used your sponge to prestimulate the area) and transfer the energy ball or sphere into the limb, and continue bouncing. This is not for sensory feedback or stimulation, but to 'clean up' the area using body awareness. Once you get an energy ball bounce going in the limb, you are not expected to feel as much as you did with the sponge, although some people do feel something.