(1).Space Gear.
Why is that when we hear of abduction stories , when the ET are described they are totally nude and without space gear?
I mean when our astronauts go the moon they are forced to wear spacesuits because of the pressure , atmospheric , cosmic , radiation induced and other numerous differences of environment.And all these are only planet-to-planet differences (and those too within the same galaxy) that require provision of respiration-worthy gases and protection from different atmosphere.
how come ET just roam about all nude , sniffing earth gases and still stay alive? Earth's atmosphere is very Oxygen rich , but we over millennia have evovled different means of processing Oxygen.(Oxygen is very very toxic to other things like bacteria , fungi and certain viruses - when you pour Peroxide solution over wounds - you're sanitizing by Oxygen).How can anything with different respiration mechanism tolerate oxygen when it doesn't even have the gases that are same in it's own planet?

(2).Humanoid Body Shapes.
The most plausible answer to this is obviously anthropomorphism , but let's put that aside and look at this , according to all accounts, the ET have arms , legs and eyes and shapes that are obviously Humanoid , but what I don't understand is that if their life evolved on different planets and even galaxies , the how the heck are they possibly humanoid?.
It's like this ; on another planet in a different galaxy , the said planet is in a goldi-locks zone , and is highly aquatic (just like one of the entirely water-based planets in the Gilese system) , since there is no "land" on this planet and it's all water , it makes sense to say that intelligent life here would have evolved in aquatic circumstances.If this life-form visits earth wouldn't it need water? wouldn't then it's shape be more akin to fish , cephalopods , jellyfish or octopi ?.
Yet no even ever says they are abducted by a creature that swirled around in a liquid container and had strange tentacle like things and fins that it used for movement.