My job has gotten brutal with long hours overtime and weekend work, so I have lapsed on my practice. I was getting fairly good at getting out maybe once a week or so. Not that I got very far but my goal was just to learn how to get out first.

Anyway, now all I can really do is poke at attempts and as can be expected, I fail more often than not.

However, I have had two experiences and I think I already know the answer, but I was curious what ya'll thought.

1) I can feel that odd electric vibration in my spine and start to hear the rushing noise. They start, and then I notice it's over. I'm all the way out of the trance and the sensations have subsided. I have considered I went through the transitional state successfully, but having succeeded a few times, it just doesn't feel like that's the case. Could this be I need to return to my daily meditation practice to train myself to relax into the transition? Any suggestions on how to help here?

2) Last night, I actually rode the sensation through and actually felt myself turning over. A small sense of vertigo when it happened, but I was able to stay with it and pay attention so close that it stopped. So when I turned all the way over so I would have been facing down, I couldn't get out. Or if I did it stayed dark. Pitch black eyes closed dark. I have gotten out when it was dim but not black? Low energy? To close to the body? Didn't exit?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.