Over development of the third eye produces releasement allot of secretions natural occurring DMT from the pineal gland. It's a natural occurring hallucinogen. exactly precisely the same thing comparing to the hallucinogenic shamanic substances found in ancient shamanic cultures

Psychic Development

Awakenings, threw getting into the moment(meditation mastery) consciousness development

Chakra Body Stimulations practicing NEW
Qi Gong or Tia che( Storing Chi or Gods Light storing in chakras)
Healing physical, mental emotional and spiritual bodies
Complete Reiki healing
Being in body

The development of psychicism enhances sensivity to all mind altering substances or substances that promote altered states of consciousness.

advanced psychics can trip balls on their own natural occurring hallucinogenacal brain chemistry. I apologize for my language I don't know any other word to express what i mean

Psychics are profoundly grounded when they hallucinate

Profound Grounding Occurs when connecting to nature

Profound Grounding occurs by the presence of Divinity or gods light in their energy field

Awakening grounds the psychic by the amount of consciousness that surrounds the psychic

The grounding they receive makes them handle their marbles

Some psychics are accepted in society by their psychic grounding accuracy for example mediumship is the many examples. Some psychics are locked up in hospital because they can’t function in society and fail to be physically independent or cannot function or handle there disturbing psychic phenomena. When the psychics are hospitalized by their own hallucination from being in a altered state they are labelled chemically unwell. But they don’t understand that the pineal gland creates natural occurring hallucinogen chemical secretions of DMT