It wasn't too long ago that scientists discovered the brain has something called "neuroplasticity" which is the ability to reshape and remould itself, to develop new pathways and patterns, new ways to process and learn. Essentially, when it comes down to it, it's the brains ability to heal itself. But this neuroplasticity doesn't just start and stop and the brain, they now starting to discover it's similar thing for our DNA. So basically, we can heal ourselves through re-training, reshaping, remoulding by putting new practices or processes into play. Could be as simple as forming a new habit or breaking an old one, or just learning something new.

I suffered from anxiety in the past, I also suffered from other mental health problems. I've overcome them now, but what helped me was recognizing my own innate ability to heal myself, to believe in myself and work on myself, work towards my own recovery. With mental health, no one knows you better than you know yourself, so quite often the only thing other people can do is support you and empower you to heal yourself, to help you make your own path and way to healing and recovery.

Watching a few TED talks on youtube regarding mental health or mental illness can be inspiring, and helps you discover what has worked in the past for other people.