I don't know exactly what it is that makes me think what I do,perhaps it's just observing,or maybe the experience is too uncanny it calls me,i don't know. But,basically,there's talk on how the power of energy affects things like the famous emoto experiment. I decided a few days ago to write "loser" on 4 pieces of paper,and taped them to my bedroom wall with band-aids. It seems right around the time,is when a kitten I care for and bring inside started to get sick. So,I had what was maybe a slight intuition to take the pieces of paper off the wall and did. And,now suddenly,since my kitten is now better...sure,enough to be just a coincidence,but i've found since going down the rabbit hole of how strange life truly is over 5 years ago,that the oddest,simplest things can be true. A few years ago now,I had just ended with a guy and felt terribly heartsick,and had gotten red tulips around the time...they wilted so incredibly quickly...it was bizarre and fascinated me that perhaps plants do have life and respond to energy.

It's all so strange,and eerie,almost too much to take. I have now thought about posting some kind of positive things on my wall in the room.