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Thread: Kundalini question...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Kundalini question...

    Hi Dearest Robert Bruce

    1980-81 during the big beatening of me and my son...I did reach as I believe kundalini raised to the limit that I felt that little more and I will understand every language on is still unfolding ...when I hear a hissing sound...I know that now I will get to know/feel/understand something last night dream....
    I hope you will understand what I try to this possible??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #2

    Re: Kundalini question...

    While this may be possible, it is outside my personal experience relating to kundalini.

    Think of raising kundalini as being something like upgrading your computer from Windows 3.1.1 to Windows 10. You get a lot of new features and capabilities, but you will need to spend some quality time learning the new operating system and installing new software. In a similar way, raising kundalini elevates consciousness. The only way to realize the new capabilities that come with this is to sit with raised Kundalini regularly and explore this state.

    Kundalini is not a 'do it once and it is done' kind of thing. It is a whole new level of consciousness.

    Many people expect to become magically elevated by this, to suddenly gain new languages and skills like martial arts, and occult skills, etc, etc. But in reality, after the upgrade, apart from varying levels of kundalini psychosis, you feel pretty much the same as you did before.

    I know that while I am in the raised kundalini state, I have extreme abilities and intuitive knowledge. This does not come, however, with specific applicable knowledge, like suddenly knowing calculus, or how to apply these abilities and knowledge. So, here, again, it comes down to exploring this state to discover what can be done with it.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Kundalini question...

    Thank you Robert for your answere to me.
    Then if this hissing sound what comes and goes is something else then kundalini....I do come to an elevated state during the hissing sound and after that I am my old self again....but I feel more open and knowing when the hissing sound is ongoing...may it be my higher self open me up to Contact maybe....this is the only thing what comes to mind when it is not kundalini as you said.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #4

    Re: Kundalini question...

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Thank you Robert for your answere to me.
    Then if this hissing sound what comes and goes is something else then kundalini....I do come to an elevated state during the hissing sound and after that I am my old self again....but I feel more open and knowing when the hissing sound is ongoing...may it be my higher self open me up to Contact maybe....this is the only thing what comes to mind when it is not kundalini as you said.

    its unlikely the hissing sound you experience is related to kundalini rising. The hissing sound only occurs when i energize the right and left side of my body to the point where the spine starts to become energized (an eery similiarity to ida and pingala) these are all strong physical/energy sensations. The hissing, feels like a physical snake entering either side of the skull just above and ever so lightly behind the ears. This can also occur in the third eye, or possibly directly at the back of the skull which makes 4 energy points. Its only through extraordinarily strong energizing will this occur, the first time this happens would very much scare a person out of there mind. This is all my personal experience with kundalini, and there is a reason why its called serpent power, the phenomena is reminisent of a snake not only when it rises but even its auditory experience. I have realized that kundalini as a dynamic force, has many aspects and phenomena to its presence. While rasing my vibrational waves (see previous post) for a long time i couldnt realize why at times only the left or right side of my body would recieve the waves. Once both sides or channels are filled the spine starts recieving the energy waves i raise. And a tornado like experience starts spiralling in the body into two seperate columns, in some rare occurances a middle energy spirral column starts forming. The energy is so strong that at times it rocks the physical body.

    Most kundalini experiences are not as blissful as most websites describe. And most people that claim to have raised it have not, i am one of possibly several thousand of us on the planet that are actively engaged in this phenomena. I even hear strange mantras now on the onset of sleep, and yet i know little of yoga neither am i religious. What kundalini can do for you in 6 months would take the average person several lifetimes to accomplish. My most recent activation is an indigo tunnel structure in the third eye, waking up from sleep and a feeling of sudden acceleration with a woooosh sound occurs. Its getting vivid and stronger every day, lately i have been seeing millions of "little lines" in the air like a grid, almost like im looking into the fabric of matter. The other morning i woke up and hundreds of tiny indigo coloured squares started pouring into my forhead area. In my life i wasnt searching for kundalini, kundalini found me.

    One final and extremely important note, kundalini as a force, must be learned to be properly applied and directed if you are not engaged in training yourself to properly apply this energy its more likely to make you ill and an anxious person. I agree with everything robert bruce has stated above, i just love talking about this subject. Very exiting times
    Last edited by Neophos; 1st June 2017 at 04:36 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Kundalini question...

    Quote Originally Posted by Neophos View Post

    its unlikely the hissing sound you experience is related to kundalini rising. The hissing sound only occurs when i energize the right and left side of my body to the point where the spine starts to become energized (an eery similiarity to ida and pingala) these are all strong physical/energy sensations. The hissing, feels like a physical snake entering either side of the skull just above and ever so lightly behind the ears. This can also occur in the third eye, or possibly directly at the back of the skull which makes 4 energy points. Its only through extraordinarily strong energizing will this occur, the first time this happens would very much scare a person out of there mind. This is all my personal experience with kundalini, and there is a reason why its called serpent power, the phenomena is reminisent of a snake not only when it rises but even its auditory experience. I have realized that kundalini as a dynamic force, has many aspects and phenomena to its presence. While rasing my vibrational waves (see previous post) for a long time i couldnt realize why at times only the left or right side of my body would recieve the waves. Once both sides or channels are filled the spine starts recieving the energy waves i raise. And a tornado like experience starts spiralling in the body into two seperate columns, in some rare occurances a middle energy spirral column starts forming. The energy is so strong that at times it rocks the physical body.

    Most kundalini experiences are not as blissful as most websites describe. And most people that claim to have raised it have not, i am one of the legendary humans possibly several thousand of us on the planet that are actively engaged in this phenomena. I even hear strange mantras now on the onset of sleep, and yet i know little of yoga neither am i religious. What kundalini can do for you in 6 months would take the average person sveral lifetimes to accomplish. My most recent activation is an indigo tunnel structure in the third eye, waking up from sleep and a feeling of sudden acceleration with a woooosh sound occurs. Its getting vivid and stronger every day, lately i have been seeing millions of "little lines" in the air like a grid, almost like im looking into the fabric of matter. The other morning i woke up and hundreds of tiny indigo coloured squares started pouring into my forhead area. In my life i wasnt searching for kundalini, kundalini found me.

    One final and extremely important note, kundalini as a force, must be learned to be properly applied and directed if you are not engaged in training yourself to properly apply this energy its more likely to make you ill and an anxious person. I agree with everything robert bruce has stated above, i just love talking about this subject. Very exiting times
    Thank you Neophos for your input.
    I hear the hissing around my head..I guess I have to wait for the explanation it will come when it is time for me to know what this is.
    Now I know it is not kundalini.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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