I'll keep it short and practical

Question #1

after raising a lot of energy waves (active kundalini) when i attempt to go to sleep at night, i experience an energy phenomena that i would describe as "continues pulsating white lights" or "flickering light" like a "light show" sometimes this is felt very softly over the eyes and bridge of the nose. Sometimes lasting up to 10-15 minutes. At times one particular flash might happen that is unusually bright, and startles me awake, but i dont feel a mild concussion over face

Your thoughts on this? Perhaps its realted to strobes, not sure.

Question #2

sometimes i suffer of a tight nasal passgae, it can close completely. Abd i am forced to do meditation/altered state work breathing through my mouth. I take dymatap nasal spray, although apparantly it contains a steroid so i cant take it for more than three days. Do you think breathing through the mouth for meditation/altered state work and ework, as opposed to breathing through the nasal passage will still be effective?
