What is good health?

Good health is the solution that light (new human) knows love (old human). There are several things that people usually don't consider when it comes to their health:

- all illnesses have an emotional cause at their root
- people without boundaries are sick
- god loves you anyway: it is what it is

In light of this misunderstanding (blind ego), what can be done? Delimit the self as pure love. That means, if you have emotional traumas, heal them... including the beliefs that put them there! Analyse your thoughts to see that they are on Earth and not in your imagination. Also, begin to recognise the effects other people have on your mind. I am not saying that everybody is telepathic, but certainly, that those of light (new humans) are bound to be. The species is both caring and knowing. That has changed. Women used to care, men used to know. With other people's stuff in you, you cannot experience the fullness of self expression (illuminated ego).

Here are some guidelines to recognising the healing self:

- you cannot experience what you are not
- you cannot feel what you do not love
- you cannot have what you do not know

They all point to the same simple realisation:
"What is mine to understand is mine to understand, to (theirs) I say mote."

illuminated ego obeys self,
blind ego betrays it... find your calling.