Hi Robert,

In Astral Dynamics you talk about the mind split phenomena where each projected body gets a copy of the original physical mindset. So each body should have the same memories. What I experienced seems to contradict this idea. I had during a lucid dreams contact with a deceased friend of me and I asked him if he recognized me. He started to laugh and said "Yes, just like last time when you entered my house disguised an electrician!". The thing is that before he finished this sentence I knew right away what he was going to say, I had a very clear memory of that. So it seems that the dream body I was occupying at that time (by the way: is that the mental body?) has a life and different memories of its own.

What are your thought about that?
Do you know which body we occupy in the different states of consiouness like (ludid) dream vs .OBE?

Thanks in advance!

Chiel Varkevisser