This is somewhat a cross post, since someone mentioned I should request help for my sister in a post I made to the kundalini section.

I'll try to see if I can get a picture of her, and anyone who is willing to help her can just ask for it.

She has had serious depression, agoraphia (fear of leaving the house) and social-phobia (fear of people) for about 8 years now. She also frequently has problems with paranoia from strobes of light over her 3rd eye, visions, "hearing" voices, etc. that are probably all related to her fear of people. She fractured her coccyx when she was maybe 8-10 years old, and has had all these problems since then. I believe it could be premature kundalini release and someone mentioned it could be related to the Root Chakra.

Any help that someone could send her way would be highly appreciated.