I received this prayer and I thought I'd share it for those religiously inclined:

"God's Temple is Holy, and that temple you are."- 1 Corinthians 3:17

This moment is the moment I accept Divine Idea of radiant health as true for me. I think about health not only as possibility, but also as a reality. I expect to be healthy and whole in mind and body, as God created me to be.
As I focus on health and wholeness, I am guided in ways that support and maintain my health and well being. As I think of health instead of what seems to be wrong, I am building a consciousness of health. My awareness of health grows stronger and more complete with each passing day. My mind is filled with God's truth of radiant health.
Dear God, I pray that I fully, completely, accept the Divine Idea of radiant health as mind in body and mind. I pray that I see this as manifest reality that will continue for the rest of my life.
In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.

Adapted from a prayer written by Rev. Ian Chenoweth.